You’ve probably been told in some way or another that you SHOULD accomplish a certain feat by a certain year -- that you must do this by then or do that soon after. Whether it's a parent, friends, a church, or otherwise just general public propaganda, we’re all handed a call of duty to make certain achievements within a very particular timetable.
You are told to get THERE at THAT moment. You should move out by your late teens. You should graduate college by your early 20s. You should marry someone by your late 20s. You should have kids by your early 30s. You should have your career together by your mid 30s. The list goes on and on. These are the types of things of talking about. You know, man, there’s a lot of pressure to fulfill things in your life by some sort of arbitrary “due date”. As a procrastin8r you know though that [due dates suck! It’s better to get things done “eventually”, if you even choose to partake in them at all, for that matter.] Don’t feel obligated to adjust your life to meet the schedule of someone else’s expectations. Nothing is required of you and nothing is certainly required to do by a set amount of time. See, there’s this bit of a timeline of expectations in society. We’re told to accomplish one thing or another by a certain age or within a set period. And it’s like if you don’t, then you’re just a failure or something. It’s as if your entire worth as a human being is determined by your ability to play out a series of pre-written events within an assigned itinerary. But ya know what, fellow procrastin8r? You don’t have to schedule your life based on the expectations of others. You don’t have to feel compelled to rearrange your goals that are established by some third party. Do your own thing, in your own time. Be your own Dude. Make your own goals and allow them to meet your own schedule. Put off things until *you* are ready to do them, if you decide you even want to do them in the first place. Heck, it’s totally cool if you decide to be lazy and NOT do them at all. There ain’t no crime in that. Don’t feel compelled to put things on your calendar of life that you have no real desire to participate in. And if you do desire to do them, for yourself, then don’t feel it must be done on a specific time on the clock. Time is nothing but an artificial mechanism. Clocks are man-made. Don’t let the hand of a clock force your hand into doing something...ever. You don’t have to go to college. You don’t have to get married or have kids. And at that, you don’t have to do it by a very particular age either. Face it, the face on the clock wields no power over you. You don’t have to do anything in this frivolous agenda assigned to you by the people in your life or society at large. Build your own agenda, dude. Do things you want to do, WHEN you want to do them, IF you want to even do them at all. Today, we’re gonna talk about the importance of doing things when and if you feel like it. After all, it’s the lazy thing to not take due dates too seriously and get them done at a precise time. Screw Due Dates! Man, I don’t know about you but I hate trying to scram and get things done by a certain date. And if I do decide to get it done by a certain date, you bet your ass I’m gonna [do it last minute]. Of course, you’ll be told over and over “you should have this particular thing done by this specific time.” You’ll be told you should get your degree by the time you're 22 and you should have your first “real job” a year later. You’ll be told to get married and have kids by the time you’re 28 and to buy your first house by 30. You should retire by the time you’re 60 and live in a nursing home when you’re 70. Dude, who comes up with this shit anyway? Someone long ago made this their life and now we all seem to want to follow suit and do the exact same thing within the exact same time frame. I’m calling bullshit. I mean, seriously, what the fuck kind of Almighty Calendar holds that sort of power over us to the point where we will literally reorganize our entire *life* just to fit the schedule of some imagined omnipotent secretary who creates our timetable in a divine spreadsheet? C’mon now. There’s no obligation like that. You’re not bond to some sort of mystical contract with anyone. You’re not locked into any sort of sacred pact to fulfill just by merely existing. If you don’t say your wedding vows to a lifelong partner by the time you’re 30 or get your first car when you’re 16, it really ain’t that deep. You can do it when you want to, if you even want to in the first place. Stop pressuring yourself to live out this pre-written “life fantasy timeline” and create your own timeline, write your own story. We’re not required to do things by a certain date, nor should we feel that way. Take it as a suggestion, not a permanent rule that dictates your life and the way you live it. Due dates are suggestions. Totally optional. That’s the way of the procrastin8r. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others! And sometimes, you won’t even be told that verbally to get things done by a specific time,;sometimes you’ll just feel external pressure from other people around you achieving that something much more quickly than you have. You’ll feel like you’re lagging behind somehow. You might watch your peers and close friends run off and get married and start families, meanwhile while you’re sittin’ around at home alone and single. You may think to yourself “I should be married and having kids by now like them,” or something similar depending on the situation. I know, it can be hard to deal with the pressure of not attaining a certain standard compared to your peers, but even if you are lagging behind your friends in terms of a particular achievement, whether its marriage or starting a career or something else,[don’t let it bother you.] You can’t let it bother you. Go with the flow, man and stop trying to “measure up” to what others are doing around you. Be in your own flow, dance to your own groove, man. Don’t give a fuck about what others are doing and when they are doing it. Just because one person did this thing by a certain age, doesn’t mean you are in any way, shape, or form obligated to pull off the same maneuver. You just do you. Be a lifelong slacker, not a meticulous tryhard that insists on doing things a certain way by a certain time. Don’t follow the footsteps of where everyone else is going. Walk your own path. And as always, take it slow n’ steady. It ain’t a race. Don’t try to rush it through. Just take your time to attain the things you want to attain and don’t compare and contrast that progress to anyone else, other than yourself. Look at how far you have *personally* come, not how far you have come in comparison to another person. So what if they achieved this one thing that you’ve barely made any progress on? They can suck it. It ain’t in your interest how well they’re doing in regards to your own doing. Make your life match your own pace, not the pace of others. You’re not here to compete. You’re here to have a good time. Remember that. Focus on having a good time, not winning. Besides, at the end of the day, there is no winner, just losers who fell in the trap of trying to live their life under the guidelines of an agenda they thought they had to carry out. The only way you have to carry out said agenda is out to the trash. Kick it to the curbside -- your tendency to want to be what others expect you to be, when they expect you to be it. Look in the mirror and ask yourself what do YOU want to do. Don’t look in the social media feeds for that answer. Keep on slacking off the things you don’t really want to do right now, despite the fact that other people might have already done it or are in the process of doing it soon. It’s Never Too Late! You know it, fellow procrastin8r. Better late than never. You can always do things later, no matter what anyone else tells you or tries to convince you of. You can wait until the time is right *for you*. I mean, let’s take a look at a couple celebrities and famous people that made it a success through the art of procrastination, that is, waiting until later in life to make it big. It wasn’t until Alan Rickman was 46 that he got his role in Die Hard and went on to live out a successful acting career, becoming Professor Snape in harry Potter. Similarly, Bryan Cranston didn’t land a role in Malcolm in the Middle until he was 44 years old, going on to star in arguably one of the best TV dramas, Breaking Bad. Although Samuel Jackson started acting in as early as the 70s, it wasn’t until he was 45 when he played Jules in Tarintino’s Pulp Fiction that launched his name into fame. Anna Mary Robertson Moses (aka “Grandma Moses”) is a legendary procrastinator. She became a famous artist and didn’t start painting until the ripe old age of 78 years old. To this day, her work is shown in museums and even found on Hallmark greetings cards. As you can see, it is indeed possible to make it a success as a procrastinator. I mean these people were procrastinators through and through. They certainy didn’t live up to the arbitrary societal expectation to launch your career by your mid 20s. They waited on it until *they* were ready, until they wanted to get started. You’re never too old to do the things you want to do. Don’t think you “missed your chance” just because you didn’t do it while you were young. Don’t believe your “one shot is gone” just because you missed the apparent expiration date of “your prime days.” Just because you didn’t do it THEN, doesn’t mean you can’t do it NOW. Procrastinate With Purpose Do things you set out to do in due time. [Wait until tomorrow] or whatever day you want. When you decide to chase after a goal, take the mindset of “eventually”. Eventually you’ll do it. Eventually it’ll come to be. Eventually you’ll win. You know, why do you think people wind up in a mid-life crisis? It’s like they wake up and realize that the life they are living is not the life they want to actually live. They followed the fantasy timeline to a tee and now what? Now, they’re living in regret of choosing to meet an agenda instead of meeting their desires. When you procrastinate, you give yourself time to find what it is you truly want. You give yourself time to choose how you actually want to live your own life, rather than following an outline of what to do and when. There’s freedom in that. There’s freedom in being able to slack off a bit and say “not yet” when the outside world is pressuring you to do it NOW, NOW NOW! And even if you see everyone else around you doing something you do in fact want to do, right now, but you yourself haven’t gotten around to it. Tell yourself “not yet.” Tell yourself “some day, Say it with me now: eventually.” There’s no rush You’re not a complete failure just because you didn’t accomplish one thing at one moment. Decide what you want to do, but don’t set an alarm. Allow yourself to procrastinate and truly embrace your laziness. You’ll get it done, some day. Maybe you’ll be old and grey by the time you do it, but again, better late than never. Take it easy, N8
Hear that? The sound of whining? Maybe it’s the voice in your head. Maybe it’s your neighbor bitchin’ about something.
Man, people can get bothered so easily. I mean something slightly bad will happen, and they’ll make it out to be the end of the world. This may be something you’re guilty of too. Getting bothered big by little shit. You get stuck in traffic, you have to wait in a long line at check out, you step in a pile of dog shit on your way to the store. Shit happens (literally and figuratively). And all the sudden, you’re complaining in your head about how that particular situation you got yourself caught up in is ruining your day, how this sucks and you can’t believe it’s this way, how it’s so terrible and why can’t things be better, and you go on and on, ruminating in feelings of discontent and dissatisfaction. And sure, it can be quite irritating to have to stand in line for so long, for example. I mean not only is it boring to have to just stand there with your thumb up your ass. Maybe you’re tired, maybe your feet hurt, maybe you haven’t eaten yet and are feeling the pains of hunger rumble in your stomach. All these aching feelings of displeasure come to surface. But just because things suck, just because you’re experiencing bad feelings or physical sensations, doesn’t mean you have to let it bother you. You must remain calm, despite the turmoil you may be experiencing. When you make things a bother, you’re making them a a bigger deal than they really are. And as we talked about earlier in the blog, it ain’t a big deal, dude. Really, it’s not. Making things a bother means you let it get under your skin. You get it actually get to you, as opposed to just letting it happen. You let it shake you and slap you around instead of just going with the flow and letting bygones be bygones. See, things may be upsetting. They may be stressful or otherwise plain shitty. There’s no doubt about that. But when you make the sucky things a bother, then you’re only making matters worse. Just because you feel stress IN, doesn’t mean you need to stress OUT The procrastin8r isn’t bothered by things. He is unfazed, remaining cool, calm, and laid back at all times. Making a huge fuss out of things, and letting the mishaps in life actually become a bother to you, for one, doesn’t actually offer a viable solution to the situation. And for another, takes a lot of energy to deal with. Not the lazy way at all. Extra effort and energy is not the path of the lazy man. You can’t choose what happens to you, but you can choose whether or not it will actually become a bother to you. Today, we’re going to take a look at how and why you shouldn’t let shit bother you. It’s a topic, we’ve touch based on this sort of topic in the past; not getting bothered is essentially not giving a fuck , but we’re gonna take an even deeper look, and without further ado, let’s dive...right into it. It’s Whatever, man. “Whatever: that’s the word you want to use in reaction to any sort of set back, dilemma, or irritation. Keep your cool man, and whatever it is, say whatever. Whatever means “Honey badger don’t care”. It is what it is and it ain’t much of a bother to you. The more you try to think about it, the more you try to complain about it, then the more of a struggle you make it for yourself. Life isn’t about avoiding struggle. Struggle is inevitable, but there’s no rhyme or reason to struggle over a struggle. A struggle is just that. It’s whatever. It’s no big deal. It’s part of life. Left your keys at the bar and now your locked out of your house? Whatever. Forgot where you put your wallet? Whatever. Had your computer crash? Whatever. “Whatever” must become your new approach to life. You can’t let things get to you. You gotta just shrug it off with a “whatever” and move on. Whatever is acceptance. Accepting the way things are, as shitty as they may be. It’s not saying “Oooh I really like this.” No. It’s saying “Alright, that’s how it’s gonna be then,” and just going with it, going with the flow, without really making a really huge fuss over it at all. You may not like it. You may not appreciate it. But you accept it. Just the way things are. SO WHAT if it’s not what you want? SO WHAT if things didn’t go according to the plan. SO WHAT if it absolutely SUCKS? SO WHAT? It’s whatever. At the end of the day, it doesn’t affect you. It has no impact. It holds no weight. Letting something bother you and really dig deep under your skin does nothing but set you back even further. It may be uncomfortable or heck, even stressful to deal with, but stressing about your stress just creates more stress and being uncomfortable with your discomfort just creates more discomfort. Let the stress, discomfort, or otherwise SHIT in your life just be that. Nothing more, nothing less. It is what it is. It’s whatever. Remain Unfazed. When things get hectic, when things get out of hand, when you’re slammed with a series of unfortunate and unpredictable events that make you want to turn for a loop, keep calm. Don’t freak out. You gotta stay total Dude, you gotta stay unfazed. Unfazed is the attitude and mindset you want to be able to achieve. To remain unfazed is to abide. It’s not let shit bother you, in the least bit. You’re good, no matter what comes about. You’re chill (on the inside) no matter how hot and heavy things may seem. To remain unfazed is to keep on...keeping on regardless. You have to approach life with such a nonchalance, a sprezzatura if you will, that nothing seems like a lot of effort to deal with. You embrace a tranquil sloth aura, completely calm in whatever situation arises, unfazed by predicaments, unfazed by setbacks. It doesn’t ruffle your feathers or work you up. Nothing’s whatever. Unfazed is confidence and maturity. It demonstrates power. It shows you have control over your emotions and not your emotions over you. When you’re unfazed by emotional turmoil, you can deliberately decide the best course of action to take, rather than wind up firing off in some rageful spite of uncontrolled emotions. Being unfazed is key to embracing your laziness. After all, if you are phased by shit, that means ya gotta put effort into ranting and raving over it, a lot more effort than necessary, and as you know, dishing out more effort than necessary is no lazy way to handle things. Being unfazed allows you to save energy for what’s actually important, like, I don’t know dealing with the issue, solving it, instead of getting all worked up about it, bitchin’ and complaining but not doing a goddamn thing to actually fix it or make it better. If you want to come out on top of whatever pitfall you find yourself in, you have to remain unfazed by the very fact that you’re in a hole. Climb out slow n’ steady. Don’t cry your heart out about how dark the hole is. Just get out of it. Complaining doesn’t solve anything, nor does stressing out or worrying about it. Worry is the bane of your problems, not the problem itself. Remain unfazed when facing a problem and they’ll soon disappear. Insist that the problem is overbearing, on the other hand, and you’ll find your problem beginning to linger for way longer than you had intended. Problems come and go. It’s all part of the flow. Don’t be phased by any sort of problem, no matter how shitty it may seem. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If shit’s in your toilet, just flush it down. Don’t let it sit in the bowl. Flush the shit down, unfazed by its existence and move on with life. That’s the way of the Dude. That’s the way of the procrastin8r. Remember Regardless Do things regardless. Regardless of consequences, regardless of criticism, regardless of set backs or problems. The minute you take regard to an issue, the minute you let it bother you, is the minute you stop moving forward, and you know you must keep moving forward ever steady and ever slowly. Regardless of what happens, take it easy, man. Don’t make things hard on yourself by getting worked up about it. Don’t put a heavier burden on your shoulder by worrying about it, by letting it bother you. See, the more you take regard to something, the more you think about it in a negative way, the more drained you’ll feel. You don’t want to feel drained all the time. You want to feel relaxed, easy-going, like nothing’s a big deal and it’s all good. Live life regardlessly. Don’t get too attached to a certain outcome or let it bother you when it doesn’t. Abide regardless and remain unfazed by shit. Only Your Mind is Bothersome Step back. Take a deep breath. Yawn. Breathe. Look at the big picture here. See it all. See it from a bird’s eye view, an outside perspective from the universal standpoint. Whatever shit just happened, whether it's losing your keys or getting your card declined or getting rejected by someone you asked out, whatever the fuck just happened, realize this, realize that it’s such a minuscule part of the whole thing. You ain’t the center of the universe and the things that happen to you aren’t in any way, shape, or form a fundamental consequence that’s completely detrimental to the world at large. It’s just a little happening, a small event, a tiny incy wincy thing that just so happened to occur. Sure, you were there and got to experience it, first handedly, but to make it out like the Earth revolves around you and your own experience is blind and selfish. You’re stuck in your own Ego man, and gotta cool it. The shit that just happened isn’t bothersome at all. What’s bothersome are your own thoughts, your own words, your own inner-voice inside your head. You’re, in a sense, bothered by your own mind. You’re torturing yourself and the events taking place, as negative as they might be, aren’t the torture device. Fortunately for you, your mind is something you control (at least one would hope -- it is something you can control, at the very least). The worrisome thoughts, the obsessive feeling that whatever it is just happened bothers you, that all takes place within your own mind. You are letting your own mind bother you, hurt you, fill you with woe and self-loathing and pity. You’re making your own self suffer. In life there are grievances, there are struggles, but to suffer from it, to allow those tragedies to hurt you and perpetually torture you, that is something you have the conscious power to decide not to do. You have the conscious power to not be bothered, the conscious power to not put yourself through hell. You can instead live in peace, peace with what happened, peace with the way things are. Peace means you’re okay with it, not necessarily that you like it or want it to be that way. It means you’re simply NOT fighting against it, because when we think peace we think lack of violence and war. By creating bothersome, worrisome thoughts you are warring against yourself, you’re battling against the truth and remember, the truth is the ONE thing you should NOT procrastinate on. Acceptance is key to unlocking the truth -- being absolutely and completely OKAY with everything EXACTLY the way it is, in the present. Stop fighting against the truth. Wishing it were different, lying to yourself that “it can’t be”. Fully embrace the truth. Let the truth be. It’s whatever, man. Take it easy, N8 Would you look at that? A national protest of people refusing to apply for wage slave jobs.
The jobs are abundant. Places are hiring. No doubt about that. Everywhere you go, you’ll see “HELP WANTED” in the window. Thing is, people just simply aren’t interested. They want nothing to do with that. They don’t want to work for these shitty wage jobs. Point blank. Retailers like Wal-Mart and Target, fast food restaurants like McDonald’s and Burger King are now desperately decorating their buildings with “NOW HIRING!” signs, but no one is taking them up on their offer. Why is that? Why aren’t people applying for jobs that are apparently so abundantly available? Is there a legit reason or...Are they just plain...lazy? Ah, laziness, certainly the bane of this whole lack of job applicants crisis, isn’t it? Of course that’s what they want you to believe. These corporations are trying to spin the whole reason people are refusing to apply for these jobs and blame it on some sort of “lack of work ethic”. Not their own lack of human decency. Man, fuck. Talk about some mad gaslighting right there. They want to offer a job, where you’re straight up treated like shit, given little pay, expected to work overtime, and offered no benefits, and they wonder why no one wants to apply. Oh sign me up to be a slave! Please! C’mon now…. Essential jobs are shit. They’ve been shit. And it was only a matter of time before people said “enough is enough” and refused to partake in them at all. And to think, man. They have the audacity, the goddamn audacity, to call them ‘essential” workers. I don’t know, but last time I checked the dictionary, the word “essential” had nothing to do with treating people poorly, both financially and otherwise. “You’re essential,but we ‘bout to treat you less than human just...cause.” Essential? Gimme a break. Unless you mean “essentially dirt” then there is in no way these workers are given any sort of level of dignity or respect near what they deserve. Well fellow procrastin8rs, that may all come to change. It appears people are beginning to wake up and realize the power of laziness. It only took a literal apocalypse to snap people out of their “work hard” mantra brainwashing, but here we are long and behold, the start of a revolution. The corporate slavery system is beginning to crumble and those greedy bastards on top are panicking. “No, peasant, you mustn’t demand higher pay! Shut up! Get back to work!” Let me give you the low down of what happened. Coronavirus struck, people got laid off from their jobs. Masses gathered in lines to file for unemployment. They got their first unemployment check in the mail and guess what? They realized they were getting paid more sitting on their ass at home, then schlepping 9 to 5 for a bastard of a boss. Who the fuck in their right mind would put in MORE effort to earn LESS money. It don’t make a bit of sense. And if refusing to get a job-- if that makes them lazy, so be it. After all, laziness, at its core, is all about minimizing effort and maximizing results. We figure it makes more sense to stay at home unemployed in their PJs on the couch all day and reap in the government issued check while lying on the couch, which again pay substantially more than minimum wage, than it does to dress up in an employee uniform and grind our ass off for hours and hours, only to come home with a paycheck that barely (if at all) covers the bills. Fact of the matter is, people have come to realize just how shit the wages are. If the government can pay you more to sit around all day, then certainly a multi billion dollar business can pay you more to actually work. Look, it ain’t that people don’t want to work. It’s that people don’t want to work for very little in return. They’re not refusing to work. They’re refusing to have their efforts be sabotaged by greed. Heck, I bet you they would be willing to work if the job they were applying for paid enough to cover bills for once. It’s funny (though not surprising) that the message has become “These people need to get a job,” instead of “These corporations need to provide a job that pays well.” Yeah, let’s make a scapegoat out of the everyday folk just trying to make a decent living and not the flawed corporate system corrupted to the core due to excessive avarice. It’s simple. People want to get paid more. That’s it. They’d rather not be unemployed, but being unemployed seems to have more perks than holding a job does right now. The only reason people are remaining unemployed is because it remains the better option in terms of making ends meet. People have the choice to either schlep around for hours and barely put food on the table or lounge around all day and be provided with plenty of money to eat and then some. And the choice seems obvious. Of course, in the long run, this choice is impractical. Not everyone can be lazy. Society does need hard workers in order to properly function. However, that work should be fairly compensated. The work done should not go unappreciated or underpaid. Face it, calling them “essential” is not enough appreciation. The solution is to increase wages. That’s the appreciation they want; that’s the appreciation they need, I know. It’s controversial to claim that wages should be increased (which is kind of ridiculous quite frankly -- shouldn’t be a controversial statement to claim people should get paid enough to get by...but I digress). You have people thinking that if they’re given handouts like that, they’ll just wind up spending it fervorously. But studies have shown that when people are given money, they’re likely to spend it on the basics, the essentials if you will, not some sort of luxurious purchase. See, the money people get paid doesn’t have to make them rich. No one’s asking to be handed a life of luxury. But people want to cover the essentials without worrying about the question “How the hell am I gonna pay for that?”. That’s it. Just the basic shit. A roof over your head, food to eat, healthcare (another topic entirely), and ultimately the ability to just survive without it being a hassle. That’s all people want. I mean hell, we live in a first world country. Survival should not be a challenge here. Yet, with minimum wage staying low and inflation climbing ever higher, it’s nearly impossible just to survive working for minimum wage. You can’t do it. You can’t pay bills earning minimum wage. It’s simply not enough to cover expenses. And you may think “oh that’s free market, baby! Businesses can pay what they want. People asking for a higher wage or filing for government aid are nothin’ but big ole freeloaders!” You know something? Multi billion dollar retail companies pay their workers low ass wages and have the majority of their workers applying for government aid, like food stamps and medicare. In fact, every year Americans spend $153 billion to subsidize McDonald’s and Wal-Mart’s underpaid employees. You read that right. Underpaid employees are getting money from the government because the company that they work for doesn’t give them enough to live. So even when they’re not sitting in unemployment, even when they are showing up for a job, they still need more money just to survive and make basic ends meet. In other words, failure to increase the minimum wage is coming out of our tax dollars. It’s not like corporations like Wal-Mart and other multi billion dollar companies couldn’t pay their workers more. They just choose not to. They value their shareholders more than their own workers and that’s saying something. It’s all about the bottom line to them. They have money to pay their workers more. They just refuse to. And YOU get the bill. The real freeloaders are corporations, not people. We end up paying the price for corporations’ refusal to pay their employees a decent wage. Think about that for a sec. The message out there is that it’s more wrong to ask for hand outs the\an it is to stifle wages in the first place, despite the fact that these corporations can more than afford to raise wages for their employees. Thing is, no one is asking for freebies or hand outs. They’re just asking that the amount of compensation (results) they receive is in fair balance with the amount of effort they're putting in. It’s only after this huge flux of layoffs caused by a pandemic have people gotten a taste of what it feels like to be...actually taken care of, and not just fed scraps from the table. See, in getting unemployment benefits, people realized there’s more “benefits” to being unemployed than there seems to be in being employed in the first place. I mean why work your ass off if you can sit on your ass and not only still get paid, but actually get paid significantly MORE. People are sick of maximizing effort and minimizing results. They got a taste of what it’s like to well, for lack of a better term, be lazy. But being lazy is not necessarily a bad thing. Being lazy means not over-exerting yourself. It means using your energy efficiently. And well, working a minimum wage job simply isn’t efficient. Like at all. It’s too much work in exchange for too little pay. Sure, excessive laziness is terrible. But everything is good in balance. Like pride is not a bad thing--there’s no bane in feeling proud of yourself-- but in excess of pride you become an egotistical bastard. People are being lazy, sure. But it’s a balanced lazy. It’s a good lazy. Again, it’s not that they’re unwilling to work at all. They just want their work to be efficient. In other words, it should pay the bills without a hassle. Having a job should mean you’re able to support yourself. Period. People that have jobs are relying on these quote on quote “hand outs”. It’s not really a hand out if it’s only covering what the lack of wages doesn’t. Efficiency is the heart of laziness. It’s inefficient to schlep 9 to 5 for minimum wage. Saying you're lazy is saying you value the amount of time and energy you put into something and want those resources you invest to have fair compensation in return. You want to be efficient with your time and energy, earning worthwhile rewards/results for the time and energy you do spend. Right now, it’s efficient, that is lazy, to cash in an unemployment check rather than get a job. And that’s rpecisely why we’re seeing the messages that “no one wants to work.” Get a grip! People want to work. They just want that work to be compensated fairly. I suppose the whole counter argument to this whole thing would be to LOWER the unemployment benefits. And fair point. I’ll take it. I mean if we want to encourage people to work, we should make it more attractive to do so rather than rely on the help of big daddy government. Unemployment benefits are way too high and it makes it difficult for the free market to compete, one could say. And sure these multi-billion dollars can afford higher wages, but what about the small businesses?? Well, to that I say, once again, if people have more money, they’d be willing to spend more money. When people have money to actually spend, it stimulates the economy. It puts that free market into motion, baby! There’s nothing “free” about a free market if people are trapped between choosing to eat or choosing to pay rent. This isn’t about giving or not giving hand outs. This is about wealth redistribution. Fact of the matter is, you’ve got these greedy billionaires sitting on a horde of wealth like dragons, refusing to share it. The wealth is there. It’s just not being shared. We talked about how everything is good in balance. Well, there is a fine line between profit and greed. Greed is the excess we mentioned earlier. I want companies to profit. I want companies to succeed. What I don’t want is companies rigging the whole system for their own benefit, instead of for the benefit to society at large. Sure, they provide jobs but if those jobs don’t compensate people fairly, it’s slavery through and through. And the icing on the cake is that a lot of these multi-illion dollar companies pay ZERO dollars in taxes. ZERO. Think about that, man. They ain’t giving a single cent. Okay so now they’re not even contributing to society. Look at this straight. They’re not paying their employees fairly. Those employees seek government help. And the companies that aren’t paying those employees aren’t even paying their fair share of taxes. At the end of the day, corporate greed is costing YOU. You pick up the bill for corporate greed. It’s plain and simple. Just like how being too lazy is no bueno, so too is being too greedy. I suppose the debate is then who is being more excessive? Is it the greedy corporate owners who refuse to pay or the lazy employees who refuse to work? Well, to that you have to look at who’s seeking a balance. I think it’s more balanced to want to be able to put a roof over your head and food on the table than it is to want to add another half a dozen yachts to your fleet. The only reason there is such a large unemployment rate is obviously not the lack of jobs, nor is it even people’s refusal to work -- it’s the corporations absolute REFUSAL to pay decent wages. If jobs were paying a livable wage I guarantee you, we wouldn’t have this apparent “crisis” of some sort of employee famine. There’s no famine or otherwise lack of employees willing to work at a job, there’s a famine of corporations unwilling to pay fair wages. And until they are, until payment is fair at these jobs they’re offering, it’s best we continue to be lazy and refuse to work for them. Take it easy, N8 We covered last week how you should always avoid saying “never” and never say “always.” Those words create permanence, making it impossible to change, impossible to grow, impossible to move forward slow n’ steady. So, it would be quite hypocritical for me to go as far as to say “always” procrastinate, despite my title as “The ProcrastiN8r”. It would be more accurate to say “procrastinate most times”, in most cases. No doubt procrastination has its benefits. It’s usually best to put things off ‘til later, to wait until tomorrow, to say to yourself that it’ll happen “eventually”. That puts you in a forward-thinking mindset. Saying “eventually” allows you to see the potential of a better future, a better “tomorrow”. After all, tomorrow is perpetually coming, it’s an eternal loop of “the next day to arrive”, and believing that things can and will happen “tomorrow”, you are in turn believing that one day, perhaps soon, perhaps a long time from now, it will in fact happen. That’s a much more positive mindset to hold than failing to believe you ever could do it in the first place. You can do it! ….Just not right now. Not yet.
Of course, putting off what you’ll say you’ll do and saying “not yet” has its advantages. For one, it allows you to relax, to enable a peace of mind and deliberately decide the best course of action to take, slow n’ steady, instead of rushing in willy nilly with no freaking clue what you’re actually doing. For another, it gives you time to mentally and emotionally prepare for the upcoming task at hand, giving you the opportunity to really store up a plethora of creative energy as well as giving you the ability to embrace a stronger focus. However, there is a very specific instance in which you should, dare I say, NOT procrastinate. I know, I know, crazy and quite ironic isn’t it? The ProcrastiN8r himself saying not to procrastinate on something? Must be pretty juicy. Well, look: You know I’m lazy af. And you know that I fully condone the act of procrastinating, but there is something that you shouldn’t put off and it’s honestly probably the only thing I’d ever utter the phrase “don’t procrastinate” about. So what is it? What’s the one thing you shouldn’t say you’ll do tomorrow and instead do TODAY, do right now? Well, let’s dive….right into it! Don’t wait on the truth. That’s right. You heard it hear folks. Telling the truth is the one thing you shouldn’t put off. Like ever. You can procrastinate your homework, you can procrastinate doing laundry, you can even procrastinate calling back your friend. But what you can’t procrastinate on, what you must always do straight away, without any dilly dallying, is tell the full and complete truth. I mean it. Don’t hide yourself behind a lie, or series of lies, with the promise that “one day” you’ll finally “come in clean”. Man, you shouldn’t be telling dirty lies to begin with. Heck, you haven’t cleaned your room in a long ass while, what makes you think you’re gonna get around to cleaning up your lies ever? Don’t make a mess to begin with. And lies-- they make nothing but a mess. Seriously, when was the last time lying has benefited you? Oh so you got to save face and not hurt someone else’s feelings? Well guess what, buddy? Deception is a lot more painful than the truth. So you got that thing you wanted (because you made up a lie to get it)? You know damn well you didn’t deserve it! Lying leaves you with nothing but broken integrity and a haunting guilt. Integrity is the one thing ya got. It’s “the Dude” in you. Once you lose that, ya ain’t got anything. People may not like you, the true you, but they’ll respect you for being up front about who you are and what you’re about. Respect is better to seek after than fondness. Let people hate the real you, rather than be fond of a fake version of you. And if you don’t feel guilt after telling a lie, that’s a serious addiction, a serious problem. I’m not kidding when I say you may want to seek some mental health treatment if you can lie and not feel a pang of guilt here n’ there - that little pain in the back of your neck urging you to quit being a pussy and tell the damn truth! There are people out there, and maybe you’re one of them, who aren’t even aware of their own lies. Habitual liars. They’re so deep in the habit of lying that they do so without even thinking about it. That is a real cause for concern. I mean, if you can lie without second thought that means your mind is so far gone from the truth that your entire world is a lie. Guilt though, for most of us, strikes us hard when we tell a lie. It eats away at us, tearing us apart from the very core. It’ll constantly nag you that what you said was wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself. And you should be! Lying isn’t cool, man. It ain’t chill. It ain’t lazy. Being a procrastin8r isn’t always about putting things off ‘til later. Sometimes, it’s about staying relaxed and calm in the present. You can’t feel relaxed or calm at all if you’re being haunted by the rancid feelings of guilt. Lean back and tell the truth, you’ll feel so much more at ease if you do. It’s a Trap! The more you lie, the more you feel the need to lie. You feel you must make lies to cover up your other lies and those lies you used to cover the first lies now need to be covered by even more lies. Next thing you know, you’re trapped in a thick, disgusting, sticky, and inescapable web of lies. In other words, putting off telling the truth only makes the lies you originally told even nastier to deal with, it makes it even harder to “fess up” eventually than it does to just do so right away. Man, you wanna talk about being lazy. You want to talk about taking things the easy way out. Well I tell you, it makes life a hell of a lot simpler if you just tell the goddamn truth, rather than concoct an elaborate series of lies. You’ll save the hassle of having to remember all the lies you ever told and trying to make said lies believable with a bit of verisimilitude. I mean, after all, if you are going to tell a lie, you can’t make it sound like complete bullshit. It’s gotta have some “cred” to it, ya dig? Coming up with that “cred” artificially is a lot of extra effort and time on your par and so is memorizing the lies you told like it's for some sort of exam. And anything that takes extra effort is NOT the lazy way at all. I mean if you forget what you said, well then you’ll easily get caught in your lie. Likewise, if the lie itself seems fabricated then no one's gonna believe you anyway. The sheer amount of blood, sweat, and tears it takes to tell an effective lie is insane, and frankly., not even worth it dude. Failure to tell an effective lie (one that’s believable and one that you can remember the details of) not only do you look like a deceitful son of a bitch but you also look like a complete dumb ass. Best to tell the truth from the get go rather than put it off or dance around it. Don’t Hesitate. Just say it. You may be tempted to lie because you don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings and you think that telling just a little lie won’t hurt. False. It hurts. A lot. You break the trust between you and another person when you lie, and trust is what every single type of relationship is built upon, whether its platonic, romantic, or even a business one. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Like I said, it’s the one thing you should NOT procrastinate on. Get the truth out right off the bat. Immediately. Don’t puts around or try and hide things. Be honest - straight away! Yes, there’s a way to be honest without being a blunt asshole. There is a fine line. But negating the truth entirely is equally as assholish as just “telling it like it is.” You can tell the truth with tact. Tact is important. You don’t want to, for example, say that your friend’s art is ugly, although that would be the truth. You want to say something along the lines of “there’s room for improvement.” That’s better than flat out lying and telling them they’re some sort of artistic genius when you really don’t mean it. You get the gist. You can be honest without being too much of an asshole. You mustn’t think to yourself “Oh I’ll tell him/her the truth about that some day, just not yet” No. You always reveal the truth upfront. Thing is, even if you do come in clean and admit the truth to your lie “eventually”, well congratulations, brother, you officially broke any and all trust you might have had in that relationship. You permanently scarred the rapport between you two. The relationship won’t ever be the same. There will always be that tint of shade going on. Like I said, integrity is all ya got. And it’s quite an easy thing to break if you’re not careful and let some sort of lie slip past your lips. Having someone find out the truth “later” will only make them think about why you hadn’t told them the truth initially, right then and there. Don’t be afraid to ruffle some feathers and say what you mean. Don’t be afraid to disagree or disapprove. While people may not like it, again, they will respect it. They’ll respect your courage to take a stand on what you believe in, as opposed to attempting to enshroud yourself in some sort of mask to please others. Lying is people pleasing. It’s as simple as that. When you tell a lie, you’re trying to get some sort of praise or approval from someone else. You’re concocting a world that makes them happy. And for what? TO what end? A little smile? A kiss on the cheek? A warm fuzzy feeling inside that they like you? Man, it’s better to be hated for who you are than loved for someone you’re not. Don’t let other people’s expectations, wants, or needs determine how you portray yourself. Be yourself, not a false creation of what you think others want out of you. This includes your personality, opinions, actions, behaviors and everything else about your character. Just be you. Be your own Dude. Abide...and live in the truth. Tell the truth. Be the truth. Approval seeking is people pleasing. It’s being ingenuine and creating superficial relationships, entirely based on a lie (or lies) you told. If you want real relationships, genuine connections, you have to tell the truth. And by the way, people pleasing is a lot of work man. Been there. Done that. It’s a full time job. I never want to work that shit again. And yes I mean NEVER. It’s worse than schellping any 9 to 5, even retail and retail sucks! People pleasing drains your balls. It depletes you of energy...and I’d rather just take a nap. Speaking of which…. The only time you should LIE is when you’re on the couch or bed. We covered that idea just stated in depth in another article, which I do suggest for further reading related to this topic. But make no excuses. Don’t lie about your age. Don’t lie about your hair. Don’t lie about how many people you’ve slept with. Be real. Keep it real. You may not like it. You may not be proud of it. But so what? That’s you, baby! Love yourself, flaws and all. Love yourself no matter how warped your opinions are. Don’t try to lie to yourself and pretend to be someone you’re not or say things you don’t really believe in just to get some sort of applause or wink of the eye. Man, just relax and abide by your own thing regardless. Regardless of what, you ask? Regardless. Period. Regardless of consequences. Regardless of disapproval. Regardless of haters and criticizers. Be your TRUE self regardless of anything. Because you know what? Let’s face it, at the end of the day, there are far worse consequences for getting caught in a lie than having the truth be told and it not being accepted. You don’t want to be labeled a liar. It may even be better to be called an “asshole” than a liar. At least that way, people can trust that you’ll do what you say and say what you mean. Aim first to accept your own truth, no matter how bad it is. You’ll find people that accept you, just the way you are, just the place you’re at. Lie down on the couch and embrace your own laziness. Embrace your humble abode, where only truth exists. Don’t put on an elaborate act and try to bluff your way through life. Again, that’s just creating extra work for yourself. Do the lazy thing and just lean on back, relax on into yourself and be the “real” dude that you are. Telling the Truth is literally one of the LAZIEST things you can do Lying is stressful. It literally puts your brain in an overwhelmed state of mind. As a procrastin8r, you want to remain cool, calm, and laid back at all times. Lying is certainly no way to achieve this. Between rehearsing and memorizing lines to say to make your lie believable and tangling up knots upon knots of lies to keep your deception tight, it’s way too much effort for the lazy man (or woman for that matter) to do. The longer you put off telling the truth, the more burdensome workload you create for yourself, and thus it’s really not in your best interest as a procrastin8r to ever tell a lie and procrastinate being honest. Don’t hold back on being your true self is what I’m saying here. Whether you’ve been raised by a Catholic family and hold atheist beliefs or are gay and are surrounded by very conservative people, don’t procrastinate coming out with the truth. The truth gives you freedom. It gives you a feeling of liberty. By telling lies or pretending to be something or someone you’re not, you create your own prison. Break free. Don’t wait. Go out there and tell the truth. Just...abide. Take it easy, N8 |
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