Here it is. The last app we’re going to cover for our Micro Money-making March Madness. Each week for the past month, I’ve given a fully written and in-depth review and guide on apps that add a little change to your pocket. If you’ve been following my blog thus far, you’ve probably noticed a bit of a pattern in these apps I’ve shared with you in this past month. They’re all simple tasks you can add to your routine that require very little effort. You can literally be taking a dump and earn money. They’re simple tasks and quick to do and you can make a habit out of it, a profitable habit at that. I’m all about building habits because habits-- well what are habits? They’re just things you do without even thinking or trying. It's the lazy way to develop habits. You can develop good habits and bad habits, but both come from a source of laziness One of the best ways to minimize effort and maximize results as well as embrace the Lazy Mindset is to build a habit because then you’re doing something without any effort at all. It’s completely mindless and effortless when it’s done under the premise of a lazy habit. You just sort of “roll” with it - pun intended. You may be in the habit of checking your social media on your phone. Good, add checking these apps that I’ve recommended including this one to that habit so you can earn money while doing that. It’s not about “trying” to “do” something. It’s about integrating it into your life, putting it into your routine so that it gets done without any worry or effort. Without further ado, let’s dive right into the review... Very Dice is gambling/luck game where you can win REAL prizes. Gameplay is simple. You roll 2 six-sided dice and win tickets based on the amount you roll. The higher the number, the more tickets you win.These tickets can be exchanged for various prizes. BOOM! That’s it. Oh and it’s free. Signup is free and rolls are easily obtainable for free. Now, I’m not normally into “luck based” games or mechanics when it comes to earning my money online. I want something *guaranteed* I don’t want to waste my time hoping, wishing, scrubbing a lucky coin and crossing my fingers all in a leap of faith to gain compensation for my time. I’m not a fan of prize draws or chances in my income. I’m not saying I‘m risk averse I mean hell i invest in stocks and crypto,, but risks have to be smart and calculated not just completely randomly dictated by the outcome of say-- a roll of die. Fortunately, I am happy to report that there is a bit of strategy as well as patience involved and the winnings are not complete RNG. Prizes can be “earned” instead of “won”. While luck does play a bit of factor (I mean you are in fact rolling dice), it’s not enough to turn me away and say “Well fuck that I’d rather just play the lottery or go the casino.” I’m going to dive into that strategy as well as give an in-depth review of the app overall. The prizes include everything from electronics to furniture and even clothes and makeup, if you’re into that sort of thing, but my favorite category of prizes, which they actually added recently, is the gift cards. Oh yeah! All the gift cards are electronic and delivered to your inbox within a few days. I’ve received my cash outs within 3 days. I typically cash out for an Amazon gift card, as I do with most of these micro money sites, since I can accrue multiple gift cards from multiple sources all in one balance. I did “cash out” my tickets once for a physical prize (this was before they actually offered gift cards on a frequent basis) to get a copy of Cards Against Humanity and it arrived within a week, which isn’t too bad. This all sounds good on paper but is it worth your time? -- Short answer is yes. Long answer, well, let’s look at how to make the most of it. Shall we? MAKE IT PART OF THE DAILY ROUTINE The easiest way to earn rolls is to login each day. You get a random number of rolls between 1 and 10, every 24 hours That’s 1-10 cents per day just for opening the app. Not too shabby. This apps worth downloading, if anything, just for the daily login bonus. Each hour, videos become available for you to watch underneath the “Action Feed”. Open your Action Feed then from there go to “View Sponsored” and “Watch” You’re probably checking your phone *at least* that often to keep up to date on social media and text your friends and lovers -- just make it part of your routine, build the habit to also open up Very Dice and watch a few videos to earn rolls. Each video you watch earns you 1 roll. Assuming you aim for the Doubles Jackpot Streak Bonus (detailed later), you average about 10 tickets per roll. The cash out ratio converts to 1,000 points per dollar (it costs 25,000 points for the $25 gift card, for example) So you’re looking at roughly 1 cent per video watched, which fluctuates slightly depending a bit on your luck, but overall you can expect each video to be a whopping one cent each. Of course, these numbers are bound to change and they may increase the tickets required to cash out in the future. I can guarantee that the earning rate will never actually *go up*; it will always go down. That’s sort of how these sites work. Buckle up adn get used to it, if you’re entering the realm of lazy beermoney. Now that one cent may sound like nothing, nada, chicken shit. But in terms of “GPT” sites, getting paid one cent per “click” is actually really decent. Most of these sites are paying fractions of a fraction of a penny per click. SAVE ‘DEM ROLLS. They won't go stale. I recommend saving up & accumulating a large amount of rolls (5k+) in order to...
Rolls don't expire and it’s not worth using up your rolls if you can’t make a bonus. It’s just a waste of rolls. Your roll/ad view is worth far less than 1 cent if you do. So c’mon now, get with the program. Save ‘dem rolls! Roll up a joint instead of rolling your dice. Well, I mean until you have a SHIT TON of rolls. Thousands. You basically get a bonus amount of tickets for landing all six double pairs within a 24 hour period. The clock resets when you either run out of time or fulfill a streak. If you do run out time, you are absolute SOL and lose all your doubles. Congratulations, idiot! Like Groundhog Day, back to the beginning and try again. Get it right this time. You’re not going to be able to accumulate enough rolls within just 24 hours, which is why you save like a squirrel hibernating for the winter - gather your nuts and use them all at once when you actually can. This number is dependent on how lazy you are and how often you want to play the rollie pollie ollie game and also how often you want to cash out. It’s important to note: You CAN adjust the multiplier when working towards your streak. For example, you could have a 2x multiplier on 1 and 2, 4x multiplier on 3 and 4, etc. The bonus will be calculated after you successfully rolled all six pairs of double, no matter which multiplier you used for each. It’s not really practical to aim to use a certain multiplier on a certain pair because well, you’re rolling freaking dice and can’t really predict what will land. Adjusting the multiplier should only be used *in case of emergency* when you happen to go a very UN-lucky streak. I’m pretty lazy (as well as patient) so I wait until I have enough rolls to Auto Roll on the 50x dice multiplier. If I happen to be running low on rolls and still don’t have a strong progress towards my streak, I’ll adjust the multiplier to a lower stat. This assures I’m not running out of rolls and can still hit my streak bonus. The streak bonus is the most important thing you want to keep. There’s honestly no incentive in using a higher multiplier than 2x, other than the fact that it takes less time to roll when you do actually play. I don't like to waste time more than I have to, so I'll opt for that. My thresholds are as follows: 10,000+ = start at 50x multiplier (pink) 5,000= switch to 20x multiplier (dark green) 2,500 = switch to 10x multiplier (purple) 1,000 = switch to 5 x multiplier (yellow) 500 = switch to 4 x multiplier (red) 300 = switch to 3 x multiplier (light green) 200 = switch to 2x multiplier (blue) 50 = switch to 1x multiplier (white) The absolute MINIMUM rolls that I personally recommend accumulating is about 400. This will let you auto roll on the 2x multiplier, earn your streak bonus, and avoid playing those pesky minigames. That’s my opinion, of course-- you may like these minigames. I don’t. I find them repetitive and annoying, but if you like doing the same task over and over again, maybe that’s right up your ally. Now you *could* get away with around 200 rolls accumulated to have enough win a streak on the 1x multiplier, but that would require playing a mini game every single time you roll a double. The advantage is that you can probably cash out sooner if you go for a fidget spinner or something cheap. But c’mon, you could pick those types of prizes from the dollar store or something. This isn’t Chuck E. Cheese. It’s time to win some real prizes worth your time, not silly little toys. Go for the gift cards. You’ll have to wait a little longer, but it’ll at least be something worthwhile and not something that’ll end up in the trash within a few months. And like I said those minigames are a bitch and make this app a hell of a lot less passive. Sometimes you roll doubles you already rolled and have to play a mini game. Not fun. Just give me the double points and I’ll be on my merry way. Thank you. It’s BONUS Time! Mini games, while they offer a chance to win bonus tickets, are quite frankly just a waste of time. Like I said, you can totally skip over mini-games AND STILL WIN BONUS TICKETS if you are using a higher multiplier (2x or more). This will simply give you an amount of bonus tickets equal to double of that roll then multiplied by the dice multiplier . For example if you rolled two sixes, you would get 24 tickets (which is then put in calculation towards the multiplier, so a 2x multiplier would land you 48 tickets for that roll) Double is good enough, because most times I earned around the amount anyway playing the mini games Sometimes it is necessary though to play these minigames so that you *can* fulfill your Double Streak Bonus and maximize your earnings. You may not have enough rolls to use the multiplier and have to settle for 1x instead. Mini games are a bit of a bonus round, after rolling doubles under the 1x multiplier, allowing you to earn additional tickets from your roll. You can earn over Mini-games will ONLY pop up if you are playing with the 1x multiplier (default option) on and roll a double. There are 2 types of mini games possible: BasketBall and Space Shooter. I wish they'd combine both and have a Michael Jordan cameo Mostly you’ll playing the Basketball round. You get to choose which one to play, but The Space Shooter is only available if you roll a double on a pair of 6s. Regardless, I recommend playing the Basketball anyway, if you’re looking for efficiency, since it’s not only easier but also a lot faster. It’s quite an easy gimmick, fling your finger to throw the ball and land it in the net. As a Pokemon Go master, this is a skill I’m quite adept in and have no problem racking those extra points and scoring bonus tickets. I manage to grab *slightly more* than double. So say I roll a double five, then I would score around 12-13 in the basketball round. I shoot with about 90-95% accuracy, which is pretty high. Now I’m not the best, but I’m pretty good. What I’m saying is that if you’re no in your A-game you may not even earn the amount equal to what you’d get had you just skipped the minigame and rolled with a multiplier instead. Average players need not apply. It just isn’t worth the hassle. You can “skip” the basketball round, but that means you get NO BONUS whatsoever, so I suppose play the game even if you suck at it because 1 bonus ticket is better than zero. If you’re skipping the minigames, then you should have just accumulated more rolls and used the multiplier. It’s understandable though if you just got caught up in a bad luck streak though. The countdown timer in the mini game is based on the number you roll, so a pair of double 4s gives you more time than a pair of 2s, for example. The Space Shooter game just doesn’t seem worth the time it takes to win tickets. Although if we’re looking at fun factor, the Space Shooter wins in that category. It’s a very generic shoot ‘em up game though - still better them a generic toss game in terms of fun factor. The bigger dice you take out, the more tickets you win. Crash and it’s game over. You only get one life and basically have to make it to the end with a nearly perfect score to get anywhere close what you would’ve have won in the basketball round. This takes a couple minutes shooting things as opposed to just a few seconds throwing balls. You can choose your winning multiplier, and anything above the 1x multiplier will just double your tickets instead of having you fool around with a carnival game. This is the route I encourage you to do, unless your bored and want to play a game, but there’s better games out there anyway.c Go play Pokemon Go if you wanna toss the basket ball and go play Raiden or Upgrade the Game if you want a good shoot ‘em up. Don’t download Very Dice for the gameplay of the dice game itself or the bonus minigames, now, honestly. Auto-Roll YESS!!! AUTO BOTS ROLL OUT! I like to automate tasks that take a lot of effort to streamline my lazy lifestyle. I don’t want to keep clicking. Fortunately, you can turn on “auto-roll” and have ti keep rolling until you run out or a minigame pops up. While passive, I recommend keeping a bit of an eye on it just so you know when/if you completed your streak and can stop rolling when you do. The down side here if you read the fine print it says: “For a Limited Time Only” Well shit. All I can say is use it while you can, dudes and dudettes. If by the time you read this review, it’s not free, it’s probably not worth more than free. I mean unless it’s real cheap. I may take a look at it and review it when they start charging and update this blog if I feel like it., but in case I decide to put that off, which will likely happen, I mean c’mon I’m the ProcrastiN8r, I will include this bit iof analysis. We can probably already estimate the type of price tag their gonna slam down on that auto-roller based on what they already charge for rolls in general See if you go into the Action Feed, you’ll see an option entitled “Get Instant”. This is where the IAP is located, the overly priced IAP. Now I know we live in a world of Instant Satisfaction but simmer on down, unless Instant Empty Wallet is what you want. Remember we broke down how you’re earning roughly 1 cent for each roll. You’re paying $100 for $45 worth of rolls. And that’s the BEST deal. I can only imagine what these guys will charge for an auto roller. Unless it’s something you can unlock permanently for a one time fee that you can pay with your tickets, then I’d say avoid it. They’ll probably make it subscription based or if it’s not subscription based, it’ll be something stupid like $100+ You’re better off putting that into Bitcoin ...jesus. Anyway these are just predictions, as the Auto-Roll feature stands in time of writing, it works, and it works well, and it’s free, so definitely use it for as long as it remains F2P. Okay, straight up, BIIIIIIIG downside to this app. After you earn a roll, for whatever the fuck reason, you have to click “collect” for each individual roll you earned, or I should say for each “offer” you completed (in some instances, you can earn more than one roll, like your bonus streaks and other things, which I’ll get to), but there is nothing more tedious, more mind-numbing then frantically clicking “collect” on…. Every. Single. Goddamn. Offer . You. Earned. A. Reward. For. On. The App. Okay, but seriously why not a COLLECT ALL button? Hello? Seems like an obvious feature, there, developer. It doesn’t even have multi-point touch enabled to allow me to collect more than one roll at once aaaaand the load time to collect is at least a couple seconds. Dude. Fix this part of the app, it is fundamentally broken. Have you tested it, Mr. Developer? Does it seem like a user friendly experience to you? No? WELL ’CAUSE IT’S FUCKING NOT!!! *Ahem* needless to say I am quite frustrated by their choice to do this, but it’s all good. We have an auto roll feature, but not a collect all one? WTF! Maybe they’ll add one you’ll have to pay for in the future. Oh that would be some bullshit. I better shut up before I give them ideas.. I typically collect about once every other week or so. I’ve even gone over a month without collecting. This is the most work the app requires from me. They just kind of sit there in your account until you click on them to collect, though so there's no rush. Other Offers (besides videos) These generally are NOT worth doing in Very Dice.The pay out is low and it has a lot of the same trumps other GPT (Get-Paid-To) sites tend to have: not getting credit and having to e-mail support back and forth for a week to *maybe* actually get it. Just don’t waste your times Plus, these are the same offers other Micro Money sites offer. You can only complete the sponsored offers ONCE per sponsor across all GPT sites. Very Dice is very low paying for these offers and you’re better off, if you were going to do them, find another site to do so. Pollfish Surveys are the only ones really worth doing. They take less than a minute and give you anywhere between 5 and 10 rolls. Sometimes you can get disqualified, but it boots you quick, like after one or two questions, rather than after 30 minutes of answering questions, as a lot of these survey sites tend to do. Pollfish surveys are random. Sometimes I’ll get multiple surveys a day, other times I can go a few days, even weeks without anything. I suppose it depends on how well I fit the demographic they’re looking for Redeem Don't Gamble. Don't try for the sweepstakes or prize drawings. Stick to the gift cards, or even any of the physical products where you trade a set amount of tickets for a set thing. I know it can be tempting to try and WIN IT BIG, but you're not going to. You're just not. I mean yeah, there's a chance, but you're literally just throwing money in a well wishing for a magic leprechaun to enchant you with the eternal blessing of a unicorn. There's a chance that could happen too. In sum…
It’s a decent-paying beermoney app and one of the few that offers a daily login bonus. It’s worth downloading even if you only open it once per day and never watch the videos or take the polls. It becomes an easy habit to pick up and watch videos every hour and the pay out for viewing those ads is totally worth it, especially compared to similar “get paid to watch” apps. The auto roll feature makes it very passive, although it’s unclear how much longer this will be a free feature and what the cost will look like right now. Collecting rolls one at a time is terrible though and they really need a “collect all” feature. Besides videos, most other offers aren’t worth the time, with the exception of one survey provider. The prize selection is massive and there’s definitely something for everyone. You can either earn money in gift cards or “stuff” to either keep or sell. There is no cash out to PayPal or crypto, as of writing. They usually take under a week to send a cash out. You do need to sign up via Google or Facebook, which may turn some people away. Overall, I give Very Dice a ProcrastiN 6/8
The beautiful thing about beer money, ahem, err, micro money is that you have 100% control over: 1. When to do it 2. Where to do it 3. And even if you want to do it in the first place. Now I know what you’re thinking. “Nate, I have bills to pay, mouths to feed! I can’t possibly do that with such measly wages” I mean c’mon cause let’s face it, earning a few cents here and there just doesn’t cut it in trying to earn a living. However... You’d be surprised to hear that there are people using micro earning (beer money) alone to make thousands of dollars each month. It is entirely possible to use a large enough combination of micro jobs to actually pay your bills and not have to go to one of those “jobs”. Now of course to reach that level of income with these sites, it does take a lot of time, patience, and persistence. I don’t want to say it’s a lot of “work”, of course. It’s not, I mean all your doing is mindless little tasks And maybe you are working a “mindless job” already and getting paid more than what these micro job sites offer. But what you don’t have at that day job is freedom. You can’t even pick when you want to piss and there’s no nap time goddamnit. You don’t have to wear a lame ass uniform or three piece suit. You can lie on the couch in your pjs. Now that is proper “work attire” in my book! Oh and you can multi-task too, like watch Netflix or play RuneScape, like I've been doing for the past 15 years, or Fortnite or whatever WHILE also doing these tasks and earning money, without worrying about your boss looking over your shoulder and telling you to “get back to work.” You essentially achieve entrepreneurship without going through the hassle of achieving entrepreneurship. You don’t have to run your own business or anything, but you have the *freedom* in doing what you want, when you want. Me , personally, while I do in fact use micro job sites/apps, it is not the only weapon in my arsenal. I don’t put my pillows all on one bed. Micro earning is always a tool in your tool belt that you can choose to use, but you don’t have to. And you can choose how much you want of make use of that tool. You can combine these micro earning sites together with affiliate marketing and investing or just use them on their own. Look, what I’m getting at is: there are MANY ways to earn money online and Micro Earning is one of them. Now it’s important to note and be aware of the fact that many of these, as a matter of fact very well MOST of these micro earning apps and websites are simply NOT worth your time. We’re talking about pennies to the hour, aka shit! I mean I’m a cheap bastard and will take whatever chump change I can get, but hey, I have *some* standards. I value my time and effort I put into things. While Micro Money in general is not going to be a replacement for your income, although it can be if you’re ambitiously lazy enough, stubborn perhaps, it can be worth your time because you’re earning little “bits” that add up in the long run while you would be otherwise not earning anything. It is my goal to share with you the ones that I think are actually worth your time and my focus is to bring you the ones that are “semi-passive”, mindless enough where you don’t have to dedicate your full attention and brain power to. Overall, taking advantage of micro-money making will make you realize “Hey wait, I don’t need someone to put a number over my head and tell me how much an hour of my time is worth. I can make money on my own” It creates a sense of freedom and by using these apps I share with you, you’ll perhaps be inspired to find even more on your own or maybe even take it a step further and begin to create a lazy lifestyle of your own, where you call the shots, and the shots often involve pajamas and pizza. I’ll have to dive into details about what to look for and what to avoid specifically to give you a bit of a roadmap on how to find “good” programs, but for now, and without further ado, let’s get into our third iteration of Micro Money Making March Madness with a review of AdWallet. What is it? AdWallet is a nice little “beer money” app where you watch ads and get paid to answer simple questions about the ad you just watched. We live in a world where there’s a new notification every half a minute. There’s always a new show to watch or a new game to play. We’re looking at pictures, we’re reading messages on the constant. We’re liking, commenting and sharing emojis. Couples go out to dinner and stare at their phones instead of each other’s eyes. Families talk more to their followers instead of one another. People are always distracted from the world around them and are in a perpetual state of “moving” from meme to meme, viral video to viral video, buzz article to buzz article. If they don’t find you attractive, they swipe left. If they don’t find you entertaining or compelling, they scroll past you. Attention is valuable. The competition for your attention is growing. Brands rely on causing controversy, pissing ‘em off or pulling ridiculous stunts all just to get your valuable, valuable attention in this loud world full of distractions we live in. Instead of trying to pull off the latest version of the Gillette ad controversy or literally painting Nazi signs on the subway like Amazon did to promote a new show “The Man in the High Castle,” companies are taking a less abrasive approach and literally *paying* for your attention. I mean if you think about it, that’s why all these companies like Google and Facebook are making billions. They don’t sell ads. They sell attention. Certainly, business purchase ads, but ultimately what are they after? What do they really want? Why purchase an ad in the first place? Because they want… Your attention. They target you based on your interests, demographics, and current life circumstances so that they’re more likely to grab your attention and get you to click their ad, visit their website, make a purchase etc. The first sale you ever make is whether or not someone is going to pay attention to you. In real life, when you see someone you’re interested in dating, you’re never gonna make that happen, you’re never gonna get a first kiss or date, unless you first, step one, Get. Their. Attention. Getting back to this distractive fast paced world we live in, traditional ads just don’t stand a chance against these ones that really ruffle some feathers and get people talking, in terms of attracting attention. So companies are just straight up paying you to pay attention to them now. You’r e like an attention prostitue lol. AdWallet’s entire slogan is “Paid Attention” As mentioned earlier about companies like Google and Facebook making their money off your attention, it’s about time someone gives you a slice of the pie. All you do is watch ads, give some of your attention, and answer questions about them. No you’re not “paying” attention. You’re giving it. You’re the one getting paid in return. How much attention do you have to actually give though? Not very much, to be honest. or maybe "just enough" You watch a short ad (usually just a minute or two) and then fill out a quick 3 question multiple choice survey. That’s it. They’re not asking in-depth detective or Psyche level of attention to detail questions, like those Trvial Pursuit DVD games where they ask arbitrary questions like “how many stripes were there on his shirt in that scene and what color were they” You don’t have to write an essay either. Just click the bubbles They ask simple questions too that you can easily answer if you even paid a minuscule amount of attention to it. Sometimes the answers are so obvious that it’s not even necessary to watch it at all. But I recommend doing so anyway just so you don’t fail an attention check. Other times, **you need to have the audio turned ON** because it’ll ask questions about what you heard in the script, not necessarily what you saw on screen. Although there seems to be NO penalty for answering questions wrong, other than lost time of course --you simply go back, watch the ad again-- I recommend staying accurate anyway. They may track how often you fail an attention check and give you less ads as a result, but this is just speculation and I haven’t found any documentation confirming this. (I have to write these reviews while keeping in mind possible updates/fixes they *could* implement later when people start to exploit them too much, because sites like these are *always* changing) Plus, the questions are always the same, so you *could* memorize the correct ones rather than actually watching it, but I don’t recommend doing that. First of all, this is something likely to change though and they may add a bit of RNG to the question list. Second, it’s just waaaay easier just to watch the ad once and answer the questions correctly, than to pull this trial and error trick. You’ll end up having to watch, or wait for the ad again to play again anyway. You can’t skip ahead and have to watch the ad in full. And you have to wait for the ad to play... Every. Single. Time before you get to the question/survey portion of the micro money earning opportunity. And how much is your attention worth to AdWallet? The shortest ad I’ve had was 30 seconds, and the longest was around 2 and a half minutes. The questions themselves take less than a minute. You get paid 50 cents, flat rate per ad. Every ad is worth 50 cents, no matter what length. Plus there’s a bonus for sharing it to social media. Fake Sharing is Caring After watching a video, you are given the option to share on social media (only Twitter or Facebook) for an additional $.25 Definitely, do this, well I mean, definitely fake do this. Do this “kind of”. You’ll have to connect your REAL profile, and I do believe they verify this. But you don’t wanna be that guy (or gal) that spams all their friends with referral links. Don’t be him/her. I recommend sharing it on Facebook because you have the option to choose the privacy for each post and select Only Me”. This make sit display only on your page and won’t be visible by anyone else. This way you’re not spamming your friends or followers but still get the share bonus. Apps like this one can track the fact that you shared, but can’t track WHO you shared with. Sharing on Twitter is not necessary or recommended. Right now you can’t customize the privacy of each Tweet and so you’ll end up posting your AdWallet link to everybody you normally share with. That and you only get .$25 for “sharing to social media”. It doens’t matter which one and that amount cannot double. In other words, you can’t get $.25 for sharing to Facebook AND $.25 for sharing to Twitter. You would get $.25 for sharing to both, so you might as well just pick one. Anyway, so you get $.50 as the default payment plus the $.25 for quote on quote “sharing”, a total of $.75 per ad Each ad takes about 1-3 minutes to complete, depending on the length of the video, assuming you actually watch it and don’t pull the trial and error method, You’re looking at anywhere between $10 and $45 per hour in effective time, which is actually quite remarkable, especially for a money making site of this nature. There are no extra offers or ways to earn besides watching the ads, which i quite frankly see as a good thing, because a lot of these “offer” sites have basically the same scammy offers that either don’t pay or lock you in a subscription you secretly agreed to sign up for. The Limitations It seems there are really two types of Micro Moneymaking sites: those that pay high but don’t have a lot of tasks and those that have a lot of tasks but don’t pay high. This is one of the prior. Most days your dashboard is a barren land. You’re not going to have a huge queue of ads You’re just not, so you’re not *actually* going to be working “by the hour”. I’m just saying you can make that much “effectively” by the hour, meaning the time you spend actually using the app when there are tasks available. This is an app that you use to accrue a bit of extra money, not work full time using. But remember, little bits of savings add up to little bits of success. One step at a time, nice and easy. No Rush Unlike VoxPopMe, which we covered a few weeks ago, where you basically have to grab up your video survey slot within the hour, Ad Wallet they give you a whopping 3 days . That’s plenty of time to procrastinate and do it later. I’ve also never had the issue of getting the message “Sorry, the quota is full”, even when I waited to the last minute to get it done. This could change in the future though as more participants are added to the panel, but as the time of writing and from my personal experience, putting off the survey is a total non-issue, as it should be Save Your Space There is an app, but there is no need to install it. When you sign up, which you can do on the website, no need to download anything, you’ll be asked to provide a valid phone number. You’ll have to verify that it’s really your number via text. This may turn some people away. I know I personally took the risk and used my real number. If that’s not something you’re comfortable with, sharing your cell number with a company, I recommend skipping out on this one then, because you’re going to have to do that. It’s NOT OPTIONAL You may be able to use a Google phone number or something similar, but some apps restrict you from doing so because they somehow detect it’s not a real number. Anyway, after you’re verified and all that, they’ll start texting you every time an ad is available for you to watch (and earn) in your account and you can follow the link (within 3 days) to view your ad. As long as you have some sort of browser on your smart phone, you’ll be able to see the ad. Sometimes there’s a glitch where the video won’t load properly. Try refreshing or coming back to the link later. You can also try to watch it on a desktop browser, instead of mobile. Copy/paste the link to an e-mail to your self or use PushBullet, Pulse or even Apple messages to easily read your phone’s texts from the computer. The native app may even load the video when it’s not working in the browser, but it seems to be just as stable as the browser player from my experience and I’m using a One Plus 5T. In very rare cases, there is an extreme delay between when a video is posted and when you receive a text. Now when i say extreme delay I mean to the point where I ended up *missing* an ad because of the delay time between the ad posting and my text being received. This may have been a service issue with my phone provider itself and may have nothing to do with the app. You can decide to check the dashboard manual, but that’s a bit tedious. You won’t miss any ads for sure though. It’s sort of catch 22. I haven’t noticed any apparent difference between the amount of ads I received with the app installed on my phone versus without it, so i recommend NOT installing the app. That’s just eating up space on your phone, when like I said, you can just watch the videos via your browser and it literally sends you text alerts so if anything the extra push notifications from the app are just annoying and redundant. So...DELETED! Personally, I prefer to get a text from an app, instead of having to download something new and check it. My texting app is one I know I’m going to check *at some point*, instead of installing a brand new app I’ll probably forget about. And push notifications -- I get so many that I end up hitting “clear all” before I even look at a single one. Texting is the way to go, but I do hope not too many companies start doing this because then my inbox will be too cluttered and that would just be a shitty experience. I do look forward to getting a text from AdWallet though, because it means I’m about to make some easy cash. I deleted the app and solely rely on the text notifications. Save It for uhh...Never You also have the option upon completion for a survey to “Save” the offer in “My offers” section, if something catches your eye or really entices you to purchase the product later. I’ve personally never used this function (other than for testing purposes). Ever. It does not reward any sort of bonuses or extra payment for doing so and I haven’t seen any products that offer limited time deals or coupons. I mean unless you’re really, really attracted to a brand, and want a way to remember it and are too lazy (like me) to write it down,I don’t see any reason in its current state (as of writing) to save ads in the “My Offers” section of Ad Wallet. Perhaps they will add more deals and make it more of a “coupon clipper” board in the future, but from what I’ve seen so far, the offers are generic “hey check out this brand” type ads, where there’s really no incentive to “save” anything, monetary or otherwise, unless you just personally want to remember the brand name. Pay out & Payment Proof $10 minimum to PayPal or direct deposit to your bank account. Assuming you “share” it on social media, it only takes 14 ads to reach, which isn’t too bad. Though on the grand scheme of things, this takes months due to the lack of frequency, which we’ll get to. PayPal must be VERIFIED though, which means you must share personal information including your bank account numbers and Social Security number. They want *real* attention, so they want to verify that you are in fact a *real* This may raise a few eyebrows, because sharing any sort of information like that with a third part online screams risk of identity theft. ...especially because PayPal has a history of a data breach (source), affecting over 1.6 million customers. But even Equifax has had a major breach, which they tried to hide. These companies where it’s literally their entire freaking job, no their entire BUSINESS MODEL to protect data and they FAILED to do that. But needless to say I don’t trust a new company with my bank info if I can’t even really trust the established ones. Payout itself is actually pretty quick and happens usually within a few days. Below you'll see AdWallet payment proof. The biggest downside the lack of frequency of ads. Seriously. Ads only pop up maybe once a month or every other month. The amount of ads I receive is *very* infrequent and has only seemed to go down over the last couple months. They do seem to be paying as recent as November 2018. I haven’t been able to reach the payout threshold of ten bucks since then though, but they are in fact paying and said payment is decent when the tasks are available. Worth signing up while it lasts. Milk this cow while it’s still alive. None of these sites last forever and most of them come and go quicker than the latest meme. Heck, I probably spent more time testing the app and writing this blog than the company will last. But that’s just the way it goes in this industry. Hopefully, they do grow and find more advertisers, but I’m not banking on it. Years of beermoney has taught me to never get my hopes up on a site. Overall, the ads are short and simple and require very little attention, even though that’s what you’re getting paid for. The expiration of 3 days gives you plenty of time to pick up the survey. Getting a text and being able to view the ads in my native smartphone browser is a nice change of pace, instead of having to download a totally new app. While the availability of ads are few and far between, the high payment incentive to watch each ad and mid-low payout threshold makes it totally worth it. AdWallet gets a ProcrastiN 6/8 Sign up using my referral link if you found this review useful and we both get a bit of moola from AdWallet. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter for more content! mage Source Beer Money from Real Kinetic Easy Street from Brixton Creative Continuing our Micro Moneymaking March Madness, where we feature an easy way to earn extra money online each week throughout the month of March, we’ve got a new app for ya! Lucktastic is a FREE scratch card app where they claim you can “win prizes daily”. Lucktastic a SCAM? Now, despite the name and the advertising and whole brand they attempt to perpetuate, complete with a cute little four leaf clover as the logo: This isn’t really a “get lucky and get rich quick” app. It’s not. I mean unless you are somehow charmed by the golden Leprechaun gods or have Pegasus’ horse shoe on your door... Lucktaktastic is NOT a way to WIN money. It’s NOT a scam, per sue. I mean they DO in fact pay out. But if you’re diving into this app with a blind happy go-lucky attitude that you’re going to bring home the bacon from your winnings, if you’re thinking you’re gonna be “one of the lucky ones” then you’re delusional and gonna be immensely disappointed. You’re not gonna win. Hate to break it to you, but not really. I give you the raw deal and I’m not here to blow sunshine up your ass or get your hopes up, Now to be fair, you probably have a better chance at winning this thing, then let’s say, purchasing a *real* lottery ticket. And you may be thinking: well, maybe it’s worth it “just in case” -- “just in case I win ya know? “ No, I don’t know. Who’s to say the whole game isn’t rigged? I mean let’s look at it: Lucktastic, a FREE lottery scratch card app. Where you can win real cash and prizes. For free. Okay, so what’s the catch?? Because if there’s anything to learn in life, which you’ve probably already learned by now at some point, it’s that NOTHING is *actually* free. There’s always some sort of cost, commitment, or sacrifice. Like Google, Facebook and Amazon, a “free” service you get by sacrificing your entire life privacy. Lucktastic makes their money from advertisers, and so, between each scratch card you watch a 15 to 60 second ad. The length of the ad varies and there’s no sort of bonus or incentive for watching longer ones. Your first “lucky” gamble is hoping you get one of the shorter ads so you waste less time in this app, Now of course from the business perspective you want MAXIMIZE the amount of profit you get and MINIMIZE the amount of expenses you pay. What is their profit? Advertisers, What is their expense? Prizes. More viewers = more advertising money!!! DING DING! So in other words it is in their own best interest, Lucktastic, as an app relying on ads to make money, to maximize the amount of views on those ads and minimize (practically eliminate) the amount of prizes they pay out. They want you viewing ads as much as possible. You "pay" with your time and attention. This isn’t a charity. They’re not here to hold you hand and feed you and give you free shit. This is a business that WANTS MONEY. I’m not saying that makes them a scam; I’m just saying you have to understand where their interests lie. I mean of course they’re going to program some sort of rigged system where the odds are extremely against you. You’re not giving them money. You’re taking it from them. In general, you’re not purchasing a product, YOU are the product. You have to understand this dynamic and when you do, you’ll see that the odds of winning are *purposefully* designed to make you lose. Likely, these winners, who take their selfies on Facebook and Instagram with their nice little new cash stack, all these big prizes is seen as nothing but some as a sort of “PR” budget. Obviously the person that wins hundreds if not thousands of dollars is *probably* going to post about it and @Lucktastic. They’re probably also going to tell all their friends about how awesome Lucktastic is and how they won. The promotion takes care of itself because it’s in the very model of business to get people talking. “Woah! Big prize. I won. Must share” God we’re so primitive sometimes. But anyway, they create a big prize to draw attention, make it very super ridiculously rare to actually attain, then give away said prize with the goal of getting shared and creating “buzz” to draw even further attention. I mean who doesn’t want to talk about something cool they just got...and for FREE! Chances are you are not going to win a huge prize and those that do are really nothing more than a tool used as advertising for their own app. I’m just calling it as I see it. The entire business model is, in terms of turning a profit, is well, absolutely genius though and plays on excited emotions and gambling addiction. That said, we’re gonna look at how to play Lucktastic and make it worth your run, knowing we’re likely NOT going to win a ridiculous amount of money. We’re in it for the long haul and taking our time, like real procrastin8rs. You want to go for the GUARANTEED prizes. Click the “GO” button in the top and navigate to “Redeem” to get there. There’s other, more easily obtainable Guaranteed prizes, requiring lower token amounts to cash out with, but the token to dollar ration is totally skewed. You’ll end up spending more time in the app if you cash out $5 ten times as opposed to cashing out $50 just once. We like to minimize effort and maximize results here and it is far less effort to just wait it out. If there’s anything I have a procrastin8r though, it’s the patience to wait for later. Going for the guaranteed prize assures that you definitely get SOMETHING for your tokens and don’t just throw them into the Abyssal Wishing Well of Lost Hopes & Dreams. It takes a while to reach the threshold but they *do*payout. I recommend going for the $50 Amazon gift card. It takes a long ass while, not gonna lie, to even accumulate anywhere *near* the amount required for that one. But it’s the highest token per dollar ratio. If you want to MAXIMIZE your own profits from this app, then it’s in your best interest to wait for the $50. I’m not gonna write how many is required for the best ash out, because it’ll likely increase in the later and I’m too lazy to go back and edit this in the future. I can tell you this though, it takes over a year to get, or at least it had. The number of tokens required to cash out has actually quadrupled in the past year and will probably continue to increase. Again, how are they making money? Advertisers. And how are they losing money? Prizes (to people like you). They must’ve realized that not everybody is a gambling addict and can be patient enough to earn a guaranteed prize because they significantly increased the difficulty (raised the tokens required) to get it. I never won the cash prizes from cards, personally. There are people that have and posted about it online and across social media, but I haven’t been so “lucky”. I even tried equipping my Luck of the Dwarves Ring to raise my luck stat, but to no avail. I did get a bunch of Stone Spirits though. (Stone Spirits, for those of my readers who do not play RuneScape, became a super common drop from basically every single creature in the game, to the point where you basically get one from every kill, after the infamous Mining & Smithing Rework in January 2019. They add the benefit of allowing you to mine an extra ore, but due to the fact that they come from PvM-ing and most PVM-ers HATE skilling -- so they don’t use it -- and due to the fact that they are such a common drop wtihin PVing itself, they’re about as cheap and worthless as you can get. Long story short Stone Spirits are worth DIRT and highly criticized among the community) I do one or two scratches to win tokens and tokens only. I don’t go for the cash prizes or anything else. Not worth my time. I take the one or two minutes, likely when I’m taking a dump or something, scratch those cards, grab my daily bonus, and I’m done. The scratch cards to go for are called: “Man’s Best Friend” (50 token prize) and “Subway (25 token prize). These are the ONLY ones worth doing. Again, we covered how you’re probably NOT going to win any cash. Stop getting your hopes up. And they are even pretty stingy in regards to bigger token prize pools (you won’t win those either). The ONLY scratch cards that I have ever won has been the 50 token and 25 token cards. And believe me, I have gone months scratching EVERY. SINGLE. CARD. You get a daily set and yes, I scratched all of them. FOR MONTHS. I didn’t win , not even once. Maybe I’m just extremely unlucky, but I doubt that and I feel like my experience is in line with the majority of people who use this app. You do earn a minuscule amount (like 4-10 tokens per scratch card). Personally, I just don’t like doing this.. But, if you have the time to kill or are just bored, it may be something *you* want to do. In other words: Scratch the daily cards to earn the bonus tokens, not to actually win prizes. Winning the large (1500+, etc) token prizes is rarer than catching a Tauros in the Safari zone (very rare but still possible) and winning a CASH prize is like finding an Ekans in Pokemon Blue (impossible) My strategy involves collecting tokens daily and using those tokens to eventually cash out a guaranteed prize. I do the two scratch I just mentioned. The more days in a row you login, the bigger the daily login bonus gets (up until the 4th day). Note that you do have to scratch a card in order for the streak to count and to collect your daily bonus tokens. This wasn’t always the case; you used to be able to just login without scratching a card, but I guess they figured that meant people weren’t watching ads. I skip a day after the 4th consecutive day to reset my streak cause I don't care about sweepstake entries, which is the only daily reward you start to get in the highest streak (5+ days). You do have a chance to earn 500 tokens in the 5+ streak slot, but again, luck, and a very rare find at that -- maybe once per week or so. You're better of resetting the streak if you're aiming to accumulate as many tokens as possible, which you should be So it's like 1k+ coins per week (from daily bonuses only, not including anything won from scratch cards) and around 150k to cash out Amazon for the $50 best token to Dollar payout ratio,. Slow n' steady The exception is: if you just signed up I would do all the daily scratch cards for the first month. I know I just berated doing them, but hear me out! Lucktastic will never confirm this (of course they won’t. It’s sort of one of those shady practices a business can never admit to, like Facebook listening to your conversations that people know is real but they’ll deny it), but if you look into the reviews and such all the "winners" got their prize within the first month of playing. I don't know anyone that has been playing for months or years that wins. I swear it's not coincidence. There's this secret "beginner's luck" mechanism likely built in.They win, share it, get more people to sign up, then leave and forget about it, rinse & repeat. Clever marketing tho. Not worth the hassle of scratching everything daily though after the first few weeks, unless you really like playing scratch cards. Do what you want. That’s what laziness is about. Also the game downloads can be worth the extra coins, but the tracking rarely works, so you're likely just wasting your time. You could contact support with a screenshot but I don't feel like it. Me, personally, it's too much effort for pay off to scratch all or download apps. I'll take my login bonus and that'll be all, thanks There are also surveys and offers, but I don’t bother with any of that. It’s all the same types of offers and surveys from other sites with a large chance of getting disqualified. Meh. I’m good. You can also watch ads for 5 tokens each. 5 tokens. This is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a PENNY. And it’s NOT passive, like PerkTV or CashMagnet that auto-play videos. You have to click “play” between each video. There are higher paying “per click” apps out there. We’ll actually be covering one next week. Stay tuned and subscribe to the newsletter and get notified when it comes out. Fun Fact: I actually copy/”procrast-nasted” this review from a comment I had made on social media earlier. You too can copy content that you already made or steal (like an artistic procrastinator), listen to episode 31 of the ProcrastiN8r Podcast to learn more! Overall, Lucktastic is a nice little daily bonus beermoney for as little effort as watching an ad or two but this isn't an app to get your hopes up in winning these huge prizes, or striking it rich as it's advertised. The pay out threshold takes a lot of patience and persistence to reach, and unless you actually win a cash prize, the only pay out option is a gift card. Nonetheless, I find it easy to add some scratching to my lazy daily routine. It doesn't take much to earn a bit at a time. Lucktastic gets a Proxrastin 5/8 If you found this review useful, use my referral link below to start with some bonus tokens. Payment Proof from Lucktastic: Hello fellow ProcrastiN8rs, it is the first blog in the month of March and if you’ve been subscribed to my newsletter and caught the announcement or joined the ProcrastiN8rs group on Facebook, you know that means… It’s time for... Micro Money-Making March Madness! Each week, throughout March, we’ll be covering an easy way to make money with very little physical or mental effort Look, I don’t really care too much about sports, yet alone basketball, yet alone college basketball. But I do care about making money and I do care about doing that with as little time and effort as possible. Although, you can combine both moneymaking and sport with sports betting (and don’t even need sports knowledge) I want to sit at home and earn my living, not get out of bed and slug at a desk job for hours on end. I want simple tasks that require no knowledge or hard work on my part. That’s where micro money money-making comes in! Micro-money or better known as “beer money” are small little tasks you can do to earn a little extra cash and you don’t need any sort of training or education for, nor do you need to work hard. They’re easy and rather mindless tasks. Beermoney is all about earning a buck or few cents with minimal effort, skill, and knowledge. You can literally spend this money on “beer” (or I prefer rum) but really “beer” is more of a metaphor than a literal sense of the word. Beer Money is “extra” money you spend on things that you want, or as fancy finance people like to call it” discretionary income”, often times that is beer but it can be video games, clothes, lasers, whatever. It’s your spending money. Do with it as you please. Cheers! Now it’s called also “micro” because you’ll be earning “micro” amounts of money. It is possible to do enough of these micro-moneymaking tasks to make a living. I’m not saying you’ll get rich by any means, but you *can* support yourself. As a matter of fact, this isn’t a “get rich” scheme and if that’s why you’re here then go ahead and leave now. That isn’t the content you’ll be getting. Remember a true ProcrastiN8r has patience and is never in a rush to do anything* What you’ll be getting instead is a slow but effective method of earning money that supports the Lazy Lifestyle. While earning beer/micro money, you get to be your own boss. You make your own hours. You can show up in your PJs. You can eat cold pizza and nachos for breakfast without feeling judged by any co-workers. And by the way, that “breakfast” can take place in the middle of the afternoon when you decide to wake up. You can take a 4 hour long “recess” or lunch break just to eat Cheetos and play video games.There’s no deadlines. No shitty customers who give you a hard time to deal with. You can relax, do other things while you quote on quote "work" without worrying about your boss peering over your shoulder. You’re not supervised And honestly these beermoney tasks feels more like a hobby than a job, probably due to the aforementioned qualities I just listed. Sure, in most cases with Beermoney, you’ll probably be making below minimum wage if you actually calculate how much you make “per hour” but the positives far outweight that, in my opinion. Now before I begin I just have to make something clear: This is NOT sponsored content. While I will provide affiliate links (if available) that offer me in-app rewards (and support me and my content creation), if you do so choose to use my affiliate link or code, I am in NO way in any sort of contract or obligation to talk about these specific brands that I will mention. I wasn’t asked or bargained with by any means to write this content about any of the apps I review in the following month. I am giving my raw honest review of it. NO HOLDS BARRED. I’m not gonna bullshit you and get you to download an app just because. I will point out the benefits and flaws of each in as much detail as I can and those that I am aware of. I will be as objective as possible in determining how much worth of your time and effort these apps are. Furthermore, I will be solely focusing on apps that I...
Look I value my time and I value your time. I want to provide information and insight that will be helpful to you so you can decide for yourself whether or not a download is worth it. I won’t be covering any “bad reviews” or shit shows or apps that pay but aren’t worth your time in this series. Perhaps we can cover that sort of material at another time in a “Websites and Apps to Avoid” type topic, but in terms of this “Micro Money-Making March Madness” series goes: any website or app mentioned will be a personal recommendation from yours truly and one I find to have a valuable time/effort to payout ratio. The review is my opinion and my opinion alone. I haven’t looked up or read any other reviews prior to writing this. I’ll also will be focusing on “tasks” that you can do, and not “passive” apps or websites. These apps do require a bit of input but really I mean that, just a bit. They’re not something you let sit on the shelf for hours like PerkTV or CashMagnet, they’re more like daily tasks you can to earn That’s a completely different topic and something we’ve covered already. These are small little tasks you do to earn a few pennies here and there throughout the day. I don’t know about you, but I’m a cheap bastard and I’ll take every penny I can get. Truly, it does add up though in the long run. Like maybe it’s 10 cents a day. Doesn’t sound like much. But that’s $3 a month -- we’re looking at $36 a year. Well if someone handed you $36 once per year in a lump sum (like maybe on your birthday or some other occasion),wouldn’t/doesn’t that make you happy? Of course it does! You did practically nothing (other than live another year) to earn the money, The only difference between birthday money and beer money is that you're receiving it in small increments rather than one large chunk. All these apps are PAYING -- AT THE TIME OF WRITING, by the way. Due to the nature of these kind of websites, it is possible that at some point in the future payments will stop. I can’t be held responsible if that’s ever the case because it’’s simply beyond my power and scope to prevent these sites from shutting down or predicting if and when it’ll happen. I should also note, that these are not written or posted in any particular order; it’s not a count down or best of -- it’s just simply apps that I know work and pay. It is apps that I’ve tried and tested and feel like I’ve mastered in streamlining efficiently. It’s important to note too that I am from the US and all the apps I will be sharing I know work in the US. I am not familiar with global apps or what works in other countries. I only know what works here for me in the US. Your mileage may vary depending on which country you are from. Some apps may not work in certain countries. I will include payment proofs at the end. Now that we got all that out of the way, let’s dive... *splash* right into it! The first Micro Money-Making March Madness App we’re gonna cover is called: VoxPopMe VoxPop me is a video survey app for iOS and Android. You get a question, record an under 60 second response, upload it, and BOOM you’re done. It’s like getting paid to create Snaps. Easy. 50 cents in your wallet for that vid! Well sort of, there is a minimum cash out of $15 via PayPal only and video response questions vox “pop up” only a couple times a week, at least for me. So it actually takes a few months to reach that cash out minimum. The cash out itself is usually done within a week. It’s slow, but like I said these aren’t apps I’m sharing with you to get rich quick, these are apps that get you extra money more easily rather than quickly. Totally worth being patient for this one. You can earn up to $90 per hour from your smart phone! (if you account for the time you actually spend using the app) That’s pretty solid. Now wait,not gimmicky, not entirely: let’s break that down The minimum length of the video is 15 seconds and it can go up to 60. (I usually go for the full 60 seconds, but that’s just cause I like to talk. I enjoying doing it, whatever.) The questions themselves are open-ended, no right or wrong answer (you don’t have to pretend to like something if you don’t like it) typically about specific brands, advertisements, personal hobbies interests, current events, or political views. They’re simple topics anyone with half a brain can talk about and form an opinion about. Just give your opinion! Even if you have no freaking clue what the topic is, they provides links to videos and articles that sum it up for you, then you just give your reaction to it. You can pretty much say whatever you want as long as you stay on topic -- oh and don’t talk like a sailor. Don’t curse. I learned that the fucking hard way… Anyway, I’ve experimented with different lengths of videos: shorter and longer ones and it seems as long as you answer the question and give your honest opinion about it, and follow a few rules (which we’ll cover in a minute), you’ll get approved. Approval time is a bit slow, but I cut them a little slack because they’re watching and approving all the content from all of their users manually. God knows we’re not at the point where automation can moderate video content *cough* *cough* YouTube *couch* Anywho… 50 cents is the flat compensation you get, no matter what your video length is, so if you want to maximize your “hourly wage”, it makes sense just to make it 15 seconds. I mean you’re basically earning anywhere between $.50 and $1.50 per minute, multiply that by 60 for each minute in an hour, and effectively, like I said we’re looking at $30-$90 per hour. I’d say that’s a pretty sweet deal for speaking your mind, which you’re going to do on your Instagram or Snapchat stories anyway. Might as well make money doing it. Of course it’s not like you get a whole list of these videos and are literally working by the hour. They just come in waves, every once in a while. The point I’m trying to make here though is that they are totally worth doing when they do come and are available. The amount of time/effort spent into recording the little. piece is worth the pay out. There’s no right or wrong answer -- it's just like your opinion, man. Limited Availability I recommend turning push notifications for this app ON, so you get a message when a new “question” is available. There are a limited number of slots when it comes to the amount of video responses they’ll take (probably again because they are checking it all manually), and those slots fill up rather quickly. Like to the point if you don’t do it within the hour, you lose out on participating. As much as I like to procrastinate, this is one thing you can’t procrastinate, not if you want to earn from this app that is. I used to put it off but the quota would fill up by the time I got to it. They even have an “Offline VoxPopMe” which they promote as a way to record your responses, save them, and upload them later. Sounds all well and good *in theory* but in practice, it’s absolutely pointless because if you’re ever in a situation where you don’t have Internet or WiFi by the time you get to it, the survey already expired. Basically you need to grab that cake within a few minutes of the notification. Uploads are upwards to 60-70MB, so if you don’t have unlimited data or WiFi, you’re pretty much screwed and gonna miss out on that easy money. I actually recorded a video and by the time I finished and uploaded, I got a message saying “the quota full” or EXPIRED. This actually happened to me a few times. (You can see in my screenshot above) That’s really shitty. I think the app should reserve your spot somehow if you already accepted it and started recording and not remove your reservation until a certain timer expires. There’s no reason I should lose out if I participated and answered the question. It’s first come first serve and you’re not guaranteed to be served just because you recorded. You might get "line jumped" by someone who just happened to upload a tiny bit faster than you. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it happens enough where it’s noteworthy and begins to ruin the user experience of the app. How often do video opinion surveys "pop" up? The frequency of video surveys may vary depending on your demographic, of course, but I typically only get 1-3 per week, which isn’t bad. I mean it’s not necessarily good either, but it’s mediocre at best in terms of frequency. Being a straight white male in my late 20s, I’m not a minority by any stretch of the imagination so I reckon other demographics may have better luck at getting surveys, as that seems to be the case in most survey sites across the board. That said it is worth doing if one is available that I qualify for. You're not required to take any qualifier surveys, but they say it helps. We'll get to that though. Follow the rules to assure approval Now let’s talk about the “rules” of uploading your video. There are certain standards or protocol you want to follow in order to get your video approved. First, you do have to have YOUR FACE in front of a camera, which may turn some of you away. And personally, I have a face for podcasting ,but I can show my manly chops and award winning smile in front of the camera if it means I’m getting paid. It sometimes takes a while for approval. It’s usually at least a few days but I’ve had approval waitings for up to a few weeks. This is understandable though since their team is sitting there and watching each individual video manually and I imagine they rifle through a lot of shit to get to the ones that are actually approved. Still, it would be nice to get the approval stamp a little faster C’mon, hire some interns. Actually don’t -- that’s slavery. I mean if you think corporate jobs with measly wages are slavery imagine working for NO wages at all. I digress. It’s cool -- I’m in no rush, as long as I get paid. But if you’re expecting to get approved and paid quickly, again, I can’t stress that it’s simply not going to happen. There’s also some silly arbitrary rules too. I mean yeah, you have to record with good lighting and there can’t be too loud of background noise because that would be distracting and I get that. But you also you also can’t be lying down in bed or on the couch or sitting on the toilet. This is a big down side for me. Like why the hell can’t I lay in my bed and record this video, like as long as it’s an afternoon nap and the lighting’s good, who cares? I literally had a video of mine rejected because they saw my pillow. I had just woken up from a nap and I was trying not to miss an opportunity because like I said, those lots fill up quickly, man. And come on, no toilet? One of the best aspects of Micro-Money is that you can earn a bit of it WHILE on the toilet. I like to get paid while I poop! You also have to wear a shirt. This applies to dudes as well. Like, the fuck? Damn it, I wanna record my videos shirtless! Only the PAID Video Surveys are worth your time. Now in regards to notifications, not all of the ones you get are going to be for video questions. Sometimes they alert you fill out (optional) surveys, which are more like a traditional survey style surveys complete with buttons and fill in the blank questions across multiple pages. It usually takes 10-15 minutes to fill it out. They say this “increases” your chance of receiving a video request but... From my personal experience, filling out surveys did NOT seem to increase the amount of video responses, or if it does, it’s such a small amount that it’s barely noticeable. I want to get paid for my time, not receive an “extra chance” to get paid for my time. Getting disqualified or otherwise having your responses rejected and not compensated for is one of the worst mechanics in any Micro Money app. Perhaps this lack of noticeable increase in my video survey queue was because of my responses weren’t what they were looking for and I just wasn’t fitting their demographic, but either way there’s NO compensation for these little bonuses. I filled out about a dozen or so of these surveys and could probably have kept filling them out, but I felt like I was wasting my time. There’s no payment earned for each one of these text surveys you take, other than the supposed “increase” in video questions, which I just didn’t see happening. The only surveys that pay in this app are the video ones Maybe if they told me “this video question is available due to your responses in survey xyz” I’d feel a little more confident about my survery answers having any sort of effect on future video possibilities but as it stands it’s just throwing a coin in the well. You’re better off keeping that lucky coin in your pocket than dropping into a well connected to the sewers. You’ll also get video questions that are “JFF” they call it or “Just for Fun” where you get paid a whopping ZERO cents for participating. Again, doing this supposedly increases the amount of video surveys (the paying ones) you get in the future, but from my personal experience and partiipation in these "JFF" questions, it's all them talking out of their ass to get you to send more data. Mmm, yummy sweet tasty data, the food of the future. Sorry, I don’t do this for fun. I do this for money. Not sorry. There's nothing fun about NOT getting paid. In the same vein though, a lot of people do these Buzzfeed quizzes, for well, fun, and of course don't get paid a single cent so it might be worth doing just in case Vox is actually "increasing" your video survey pool. But look, RS3 Beta just launched for members and let's just say I have better things to do on my phone. Another gripe of mine is that there’s no way to download your video responses. As a matter of fact, I went to download my response for this blog, but to my disappointment, found there’s no option to do that. You have to use a third party app to record your responses. If I get around to it, I’ll update and post one of my VoxPopMe videos here. It’ll definitely be over at the ProcrastiN8rs group on Facebook. Downloading your own content is a feature something like this should have. Overall, VoxPopMe is definitely worth downloading & keeping on your phone. It offers a high payout for the amount of time and effort you actually spend making videos. The questions are easy and straightforward and the approval rate is high, although a bit slow. The minimum cash out takes a few months to achieve. Many will probably hop out before they ever reach it, but not a patient ProcrastiN8r will keep get there...eventually The race mechanics of trying to grab a spot before the crowd fills the quota is kind of annoying and can be stressful, but if you don’t pressure yourself, relax, and take opportunities as they come, it’s quite a nice little bonus cash. VoxPopMe gets a Procrasti 6/8 Thanks for reading and if you found this review at all helpful and want more, please...
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