Laziness has the potential to create a life of luxury and leisure for everyone...
...but unfortunately, right now, the richest people in the world are using laziness for their own benefit, while every one else does the hard work. Last week, we did quite a bit of in-depth analysis on wage slavery. Basically, since most of Americans are living pay check to pay check, meaning they are spending their income predominantly on basic necessities, we are “owned” by the wealthy class because our labor is exerted as a means of survival, not as a means of enhancing our lifestyle or upgrading our class. We work our asses off just to put food on the table, just to keep ourselves alive, and by trading work for the ability to live with someone in power (your boss) is by the very definition slavery. But I recommend reading that article in full before diving into this one if you want to get the most value and understanding out of reading this. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Anyway, done? Good. See, the (modern corporate slavery) system benefits just a few elite few who sit on back on their nice cozy Lazy island, which they got to via their own private yacht, while manipulating the majority of the people to “work hard”, in order to support their luxurious lifestyle, under the guise that if they work just hard enough they may be able to live such an awesome life too. The slaves“sell” themselves and compete for owners, rather than owners outright trading them on a market. They torture corporate slaves psychologically with extreme amounts of stress and lack of leisure, as well as disrespect and threats of replacing them. The slave market follows the normal rules of economics - high supply and low demand. There’s a low demand for slaves because the supply (population and amount of corporate workers) is so high. Thus, replaceable. The “wages” people receive are barely enough to cover basic expenses, like food on the table or a roof over the head. Wages, then, are a means of survival and not profit or opportunity, and any wealth a regular serf may attain is immediately destroyed by poor consumption habits, which were drilled into his/her mind at no fault of their own. So, the wage slaves work hard all for the profits and opportunities of the slothful, awful elite. And they further get the slaves fighting among themselves over trivial things like race, gender, and religion, rather than rising up against their owners. This is a system designed by EVIL Lazy Masterminds. Look at this Evil Lazy Master Mind. Just look at him. You know he's up to no good. I am very concerned about the material I teach within the contents of my blog and podcast, because I touch upon the POWER of laziness. While it is my hope and intention that you learn laziness and use it for good, it is quite possible to use it for bad, as with all things that inhibit power. This article is intended to be written as more of a warning message, a “what to avoid”, rather than an encouragement or advice to make those bad things happen. With that said, let’s dive further and look at the evil temptations you must be aware of and purposefully avoid while pursuing your life of laziness and procrastination. The elite people have cleverly and methodologically designed a system that allows them to send out workers to get things done,while simultaneously indoctrinating people to “work hard” and follow rules. They follow C.O.U.C.H ambition in order to minimize effort and maximize results. Every single one of them. They Calculate the highest, most profitable route. The bottom line is their one and only focus; they justify the methods with the means. Only results matter in their eyes and the higher morality of their decisions is none of their concern. They Outsource the work to the cheapest place of labor, like China or other countries, and put them in the lowest cost work conditions with hot sweat shop environments , even if that means abandoning loyal but more expensive workers and leaving them jobless or homeless They Understand people and use it for their own personal benefit, rather than a benefit for the community at large. They Understand the strengths and weaknesses of basic human psychology and play upon it to make the slaves of their plantation feel worthless if they don’t work hard enough, and make them feel left out if they don’t buy the latest and greatest. It is this fear they Understand -- the fear of not belonging , the fear of failure, the feel of not being good looking enough. It’s always the fear. They understand this emotion and manipulate it to their own advantage, creating a false sense of comfort. Fear sells, but that’s a whole other blog topic completely. They Create products and services that trigger the consumer-addict “high”; they create distractions and diversions to keep people from building any sort of actual wealth and success And finally, they Halt by simply stopping any work they could do and hosting fancy cocktail parties instead. Likewise, they embrace the L.A.Z.Y Mindset. They spend more time in Leisure, relaxing than ever setting foot in the prison *cough* err, office. They are also Aloof about others feelings or concerns to the point of cold-hearted viciousness. Any requests from their workers for more vacation time or higher wages, they Zonk out and ignore, despite how fair and reasonable the requests are like “I’d like to be able to eat this week.They Yawn instead to relax and enjoy their fleet of yachts. They enable a “Honey badger don’t care attitude” and value quality leisure over a good work ethic. They delegate the work load as much as possible and automate the rest of it. Meanwhile, they encourage others to be diligent and ambitious in the work and accept duty without question. They own the education system and have designed it to train children to become hardworking (corporate) laborers with a submissive mindset who are further brainwashed into thinking that consumption and buying is the way to success (the perfect mindset of an obedient slave who will not slack on his/her labor or defy his/her master’s authority and use their money to further the owners’ riches rather than their own). Children are made to believe that buying and owning things that depreciate in value somehow symbolises “success”. But this is not success. The only success attainable is freedom, and you can not , you can NOT, attain that if you purchase things instead of investing in that freedom. Hard work often times leads to nothing but even more hard work as the reward and slightly more of an increase in pay. The effort to reward ratio is one of improper balance for the majority of people in the system, one in which the top 1% of the 1% own more than half the wealth of the entire country. They then keep said wealth and resources they have accumulated to themselves and their own children, so that future generations will work hard not only for them, but their own future heir as well. Genius? Absolutely. Ethical or moral? Absolutely NOT. “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain,” the famous quote uttered by Harvey Dent in the movie Dark Knight. You either sleep as a Heroic ProcrastiN8r or stay awake long enough to see yourself become an Evil Lazy mastermind. While it is no doubt quite an intelligent system they have created under a Lazy Mindset, what they have done is diabolical in nature and that is why you must be careful when approaching a Lazy Mindset, because combined with greed, laziness is disastrous. They have exploited humanity, all of it, just to bathe in their own riches, and lay in their money. That is the epitome of laziness in its malicious form, much worse than the self destructive practice of lacking the motivation for personal goals and self care, as laziness is so often defined. This type of laziness that the elite practice goes beyond the ego self harm and harms others as well. It is Corrupt Laziness. This is laziness combined with Greed and that is recipe for disaster. See, Good Laziness leads to pleasure and satisfaction ; it is having “enough”to be relaxed and happy, without reaching a point of over-abundance. Corrupt Laziness, on the other hand, tainted by the hunger for more, is excessive indulgence that steals from the pleasure and satisfaction of others and has no limits. Laziness thus is a tool in which they utilize to maximize their greed. The reason they’re so against you being lazy is because they know what benefits it reaps; they understand its potential power. They know their entire ability to have the whole world filled in their pockets is because of laziness. And they don’t want you taking any of it away. Laziness though doesn’t need detrimental either to one’s personal life or to society as a whole. When combined with generosity (and fairness), laziness can help create an environment and society of peace and prosperity, luxury and leisure for everyone. Ultimately, it’s up to you to choose what to do with your laziness. At first, you’ll be giving yourself the time and leisure you personally need. But as you grow into a PRO-crastinator, you’re going to reach a level of influence and have the ability to dictate whether others can come relax & chill with you or struggle to survive as you laugh from your yacht. It is my hope you choose the prior Workers are going to realize their power and decide to be lazy when it’s far too late. At the current pace, by the time the average worker procrastinates, and decides to skip work, a robot will already fill his/her line of work. If we don’t act soon (or perhaps “unact” is more appropriate here), if we don't slow it down, then we’re going to live in a society where all the labor is automated and where there will be no jobs available. Meanwhile, the resources will be kept amongst the rich. With the resources hoarded and no means of attaining them (a job), we’ll be left out to starve. But that’s survival of the fittest I suppose, right? I don’t know, I like to think that we can evolve beyond that though, beyond survival and into harmony. Resources are plentiful, the work load to gather them can eventually be automated (a lot of it already is). The idea of sharing resources being described as “hand outs” is hogwash when there will be literally no reason to work hard any more in the future It’s not the people that are lazy and don’t want to work that are holding us back, it’s the people afraid to take that step and refuse to work, insisting on following the dogma of hard work that are (as well as the elite hoarding resources) The one thing you shouldn’t procrastinate is procrastination, because we need good lazy people in the world to eliminate work entirely for everyone and build the lazy utopia we could live in.
Corporate slavery keeps you working hard. Be lazy instead to escape the plantation. They say action speaks louder than words and to prove that nothing could more true, all you have to do is look no further than the American slavery system. The Emancipation Proclamation, the notorious speech by Lincoln that freed slaves, was just words. What a great premise: free the slaves, give them rights and citizenship, create a better society. Awesome. I like those things. In practice though, the slavery system was never “emancipated”, rather, it was “expanded” - to include people of all races and make the slave market cheaper for the rich sleezy owners. It also became cleverly disguised and branded as “The American Dream” Ah, the good ole American dream, where if you work *just* hard enough, and suck up just good enough, you’ll maybe, just maybe, get a chance to live in luxury. Ya know, if your boss approves of your raise or promotion or whatever. The dream is cake and the cake is a lie. It’s nothing but an imaginary incentive to keep you working and trying hard for the benefit and profit of the few elite owners of the country. The slavery system has transformed from a race struggle into one of class; the poor versus the rich. Think about this: in a typical 9-5 situation, you rely on a wage to pay your bills so you have a roof over your head and food on your table. You must earn your pay check, otherwise, you die. You can’t feed yourself. You can’t protect yourself from the elements. You can’t quench your thirst. If you rely on someone else’s time and approval for survival, you are not a free man (or woman for that matter). You are a slave. If after working your ass off at your job but at the end of the day spend all your money on food and shelter, then your labor efforts are no longer an "opportunity for economic advancement" but a means of self preservation. By definition, that is slavery and you are a wage slave. It gets crazier, if you account for inflation, in America, the average cost of a slave was MORE THAN the annual salary of a minimum wage worker. Let that sink in for a second here... That’s a lot to absorb. Slaves were worth more than modern day minimum wage workers! But that’s just the surface of the insanity. Not only were they worth more than modern day workers, but they were also treated better. A lot better. In most cases. While there is no denying the corrupt, demoralizing, and disgusting nature of slavery in itself, the system of how slavery worked in America was fair compared to other slavery systems across the world. I mean granted, that’s like saying “it was less smelly shit than other shit,” but I digress. There were of course power hungry repugnant psychopathic human beings that completely treated their slaves like cattle, whipping them for misbehavior and having them sleep on straw and feeding them scraps from the table But for the most part, the American slavery system worked sort of like an advanced feudal type system. A slave, under the American slavery system could, believe it or not, own property and even open a business, under of course the approval and authority of their owner and rent/fees paid to him/her. They also received voting rights as 3/5 of a person. Hmm...Sound familiar? You can supposedly "own" property, but not really own it and your vote barely counts... just like a slave. Even after you pay off that HUGE 30 year mortgage, you still don’t own your property. You have to pay something called “property tax”. Property tax? Wait what? But you own the property right? No, you rent it. Rent. It. You can’t own the land, the property itself. If you did own the property, you wouldn’t be paying anyone anything. The whole idea of ownership is that you don’t pay anyone any sort of rent or fee. If you pay any sort of fee (eg. property tax), then you don’t in fact have ownership. That's the way ownership works by the very definition. Furthermore, you’re basically 3/5 of a person in voting power compared to lobbyists. Since Congress basically said “money is free speech”, well, with less money, you have less free speech. The people with money, your owners, can promote the policies they want by sponsoring politicians that are corrupt enough to put them through. You on the other hand are given the illusion that your vote actually counts for something, but unless your wallet is the size of a literal bank, you’re vote ain’t worth shit. This clip from George Carlin perfectly summarizes this idea: “Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations that've long since bought and paid for,” You can “own” a business or a house, but guess who’s taking part of the pie? Your master. You pay taxes to a government, a government that gives write offs to the rich and creates policies that benefit the rich -- the rich people that own you. The point here is not to diminish the severity of slavery and its gruesome, horrendous nature at all, but to draw the conclusion that it never really disappeared, and if anything, has become more intense. The slavery system hasn’t really gone away. It’s just evolved, but let me run this by you: The slaves of the past were treated better than the modern day corporate slave Now hold up! Before we go raising arms, hear me out. You see, back in the day, they wanted their slaves to be healthy. They didn’t want a weak or diseased slave. They needed to be in tip top shape to pick the cotton or do the house work or whatever. An unhealthy slave was a bad slave. So the slave owner paid for doctor visits and medical bills. That’s right, fam: SLAVES RECEIVED FREE HEALTH CARE BACK IN THE DAY. Meanwhile, now in America, you’ve got a lady form Massachusetts bleeding out on the subway screaming not to call the ambulance because she can’t afford it (Source) Similarly you also have people with epilepsy carrying notes warning people not to call the ambulance. And God I can’t even count how many stories there are of children dying because their parents can’t afford the medical bills. Meanwhile... There’s literally a tax write off for private jet owners (Source). They can literally get a tax break for the fuel and expenses of their own “personal aircraft”. This clearly doesn’t benefit society in any way and is nothing but a Christmas wish list for the elite. Seriously, I don't care how liberal or conservative you are, you can't tell me that tax breaks for jet owners is beneficial to anyone or anything except private jet owners. Then most of the spending, if it isn’t tax breaks for their luxury lifestyle, is on the military Of course it’s military spending they prioritize, ‘cause they want to protect their ridiculous amount of accumulated precious resources and wealth. We even spent a trillion dollars. Trillion, with a freaking T on a stealth jet (Source) ...that DIDN’T. EVEN. WORK. So here we have all this money to throw around that enhances the elite’s luxury and protection of said luxury but can’t give a goddamn pill to some kid who is sick. That is disgusting. They see people, not as humans, but as something to trade, just like the stock market. The number of slaves have increased (the population has grown) and they see us as even more disposable than ever. We’re easily replaceable to them. Supply and demand. The supply of slaves is up, so the demand is down. Cost is down for new corporate slaves. It’s too costly to keep us all alive, more costly than it is to just “purchase” a new (healthy) one. In their sick minds, they just see it as “well, gotta cut losses”and refuse to keep the sick alive because it cuts into their profits. Sure, there are limited resources in the world that can only support a set amount of population, but right now, we are far from reaching that point of finite resources. Again, TRILLION dollar jet. Let’s look at that. I mean really look at it: a T-R-L-L-I-O-N dollars! $1,000,000,000,000 That ALONE is enough to cover health care for everyone in the country for at least a few decades and then some...and we’re not even counting the other waste of taxes that could be used elsewhere. The modern corporate slave is basically a cheap disposable commodity in the eyes of the owners of the country. But getting back to how slaves were treated better back in the day: they needed to be well rested and well fed because they were burning a lot of calories out in the field and needed the energy. They were given a room or sometimes even a house on the slave owner’s property as well as free meals. SLAVES RECEIVED FREE ROOM & BOARD. You, on the other hand, have to pay for these things. You’re not provided a place to live or food to eat. This comes out of your own pay check, an expense you probably struggle paying. 78% of Americans say they are living pay check to pay check and worry about how to put food on the table or keep the lights on.(Source Expensive health care, rent, and food. You almost seem to have it worse than a slave back in the day. And I know. You’re about to shoot me with the comments of “but slavery back in the day WAS worse. It was more brutal. They were whipped and beaten.” To that I say: Look at police shooting and beating innocent civilians? Are they not just like the slave whippers using physical force to keep the slaves out on the field in line to remind them who’s boss, that you have no power? Plus, if you watched the documentary 13th (which is on Netflix), you’ll know that people (especially black people) are being arrested for petty crimes, put into prison, and forced to do work for slave wages, and how it’s tied up to racism. All for the sake of profit - the jails themselves make money for each inmate they have, the food/catering companies that serve in the jail cafeterias, the telecommunication companies that provide the “one phone call”. Companies even use the prisoners for labor to make clothing products and other consumer goods for pennies an hour. Go watch it. 13th. That documentary covers way more insight and information about the corrupt modern day slavery we have today than I could ever cover in this blog post. --- So where do the procrastinators fit into this? What can you do as a lazy person? Well, we use laziness as a weapon to fight back. We must all free ourselves from this slavery system they’ve so tactfully built. If you want freedom from slavery, you have to be lazy and refuse to work on the fields, refuse to go to your desk job. All this “work hard” mantra is said to try and pull you back into the plantation. Don’t fall for it and free yourself. Be a procrastinator. Don't go to work. Quit your job. Take control of your life and do what you want instead. Until next time, take it reeeal easy. N8 Ambition seems to be such a difficult thing, requiring a lot of effort to chase after. However, hard work and ambition do not need to go hand in hand. You can reach your goals, with very little effort. As a matter of fact, it is actually possible to be lazy and ambitious at the same time; and it’s called Couch Ambition, but that's something we already covered and we're gonna look at the opposite side of the spectrum today. You can attain your goals the lazy way and the whole notion that you need to be a hard worker to do so is nothing but utter sloppy bullshit. Don’t fall for the “work hard” mantra. See, ambition is simply focus and you can choose your method of getting there (to your goal). You can either rush things with a lot of effort or take your time and put the burden of effort on other people and automatic systems. I don’t know about you, but I prefer the easy way of doing things (and not to mention the effective way). It’s not in my nature to work hard. I don’t wanna exert more effort than I have to or use more resources than absolutely necessary. I’m a cheap, lazy bastard, and I imagine you’re here because you on some level identify with that sentiment too. You have goals, you wanna reach them, but you don’t really want to put in the amount of “work” you feel is required to get there. Well ,hard work is not required and that’s just propaganda to get you to be a lifetime corporate slave.Your freedom comes through laziness. We’ve already covered how to make progress towards your goals the lazy way, using a bit of Couch Ambition, so I’m not gonna dive into the details of how that is done in this article. Rather today, we’re gonna take a deeper look at the opposite side spectrum: Desk Ambition, the type of ambition for mindless laborers, and quite frankly, the type ambition you should totally avoid ....(and take a nap instead). While, Desk Ambition may help you reach some type goals, you’ll ultimately burn out and be left feeling unsatisfied because not only will it take a toll on your stamina but they probably will be someone else's goals in the first place. It's probably better referred to as the Desk Trap. We prefer a relaxed and happy life with our own goals as procrastinators. D.E.S.K. Ambition, like its counterpart, is actually an acronym, and not just the wooden furniture thing your chained to your 9 to 5, which stands for: Disregard Endure Sacrifice Kickoff We’ll analyze each step of the module and explain why you should avoid it Disregard The first part of the module is to disregard everything, except for your goal. Your goal is the *only* thing that matters and all else is just a waste of time. It doesn’t matter if your goal is impossible; you brush off facts as lies and continue to trudge through -- just because. Any logical or reasonable argument to take a different path or slow down is nonsense to you. You are basically in Berserk mode, with relentless aggressive spirit. You don’t Calculate the odds of success or analyze the most tactful method to attain success. You just go for it, disregarding any stats or words of wisdom or historical evidence. You don’t make plans, you just execute. There’s a scene in Avengers where Tony Stark (Iron Man) goes jump off a plane to engage Loki. Right as he’s about to jump ship, Steve Rogers (Captain America) stops him and says: “We need a plan of attack” To which Stark replies: “I have a plan...Attack.” The confidence is on point; it’s good to make a decision and stick with it. But the lack of foresight touches on dangerous levels of hubris. He has no idea what he’s doing and has no intention of regarding the dangers present and developing the proper tactics of dealing with them. He just jumps ship, literally. While I mean he’s Iron Man and of course is gonna kick ass, the amount of Disregard here would be dumb for a non-super person (or maybe even for a Super hero, if laziness is your super power) It’s better to strategize things before making moves, at least if you’re following Couch Ambition instead. You don’t play a game of Risk and just move your armies randomly, wishing things work out in your favor. No, you set up a plan to conquer your opponent and win.. Disregard, on the other hand, is the act of moving forward without regard to any form of strategy and just hoping for the best. Furthermore, with Disregard, you neglect other aspects of your life and other feelings as well as other people. Hobbies are a waste of time and taking a break is certainly NOT an option. Your mental health must suffer, otherwise you are weak. Relationships and friendships are just opportunities to exploit or are the only thing you care about (if that is your “ambition” - to raise a family, for example or to be a good friend). You ignore the signs and signals about how other aspects of your life are either important or unimportant your overall well-being. You uphold value to ideals instead of facts. You don’t actually care about other people; you care about the benefit they offer you or the feeling of approval you get from doing what they want. You aim to please others more than yourself. This will surely enhance your ability to obtain your goal, whatever that is, but will make you unlikable and warrant you unable to establish a real connection. It is important to keep in mind that there are many exploiters out there, friends and lovers, who follow this protocol of Disregarding every other aspect of a relationship except direct material benefit, and are NOT looking for any real connection - just goodies you can offer. Thus, you must not necessarily “regard” everyone and be a people pleaser. Two extremes here. The target is a place of balance. While ideally the goal is not to Disregard everyone (nor totally regard and care for them no matter what, for that matter) but to Calculate who is appropriate to keep in your life and invest in rapport with that person. Going out of your way to help those who may not reciprocate is a waste of energy and similarly, going out of your way to avoid helping *anyone* (even those who will reciprocate) is just haphazardly naive. You should Understand who a person is before investing any amount of effort into a relationship with them and not just Disregard them entirely Any sort of pleasure or leisure or relaxation, under Disregard, is pushed aside and seen as a distraction. You live a life of work, and that is your reason for being here -- just one thing. one job, one career. The truth is: you need fuel to nurture that one thing and you can’t just keep moving without proper nourishment. Rather than eating a healthy dose of leisure and receiving your proper nourishment, you binge on it like junk food, wolf it down real quick, then get back to work. You don’t actually take the time to relax and thus stress and anxiety becomes your constant state of mind. This will keep you awake and alert but will also make you race through life, instead of enjoy it. In addition to not planning, not cultivating careful relationships, and not taking the time to enjoy yourself, in following the Desk Ambition Module with Disregard, you must ignore any criticism, even if it’s constructive and trying to help you or your business. You just ignore it no matter what. Advice is not something you take too kindly to. Even if it actually would help you improve, adhering to advice is for the “lazy” people who don’t want to explore the world and figure it out for themselves...or maybe we’re just smart and don’t like to put effort into pointless endeavors. You also don’t fess up to mistakes you make, yet alone learn from them, and they're a really big deal that you blame everything and everyone else for. To a procrastinator though, Mistakes are Meh, and s/he will own up to them and learn from them. A procrastinator does ignore haters and pointless comments, but finds that legitimate helpful feedback shouldn’t be ignored. As a matter of fact, it’s far less effort to listen to it then ignore it. Instead of exerting effort and brainpower to come up with new ideas and solutions, listen to what people tell you, if it could legitimately enhance your personally or your business, you’ve just saved yourself a lot of brainstorming. Overall, when you Disregard, you don’t entertain or think about any setbacks, logical obstacles, or even sound advice that you may encounter and just “go for it” You take the “No Holds Barred” approach towards goals and don’t care about any legitimate dilemma. You bash through problems, rather than actually solve them. The lazy way is to actually solve the problem (or get someone else to do it/offer a solution) so you never have to deal with it again. You’ll keep running into the *same* problems if you Disregard them, but that’s okay, just disregard that too. Endure The second module of the Desk Trap is Endure. You bear the brunt of all the stress in your life, repressing your feelings, and coping with negativity rather than addressing it. You “push passed your limit” and Endure any signs of stress or fatigue. Taking a break is for losers. Expressing your emotions is weak. No matter how tense or stressful your life becomes, no matter how irritating someone is to you, no matter how unfair or exasperating your work load is, you just suck it up and go with it. No complaints, no abandoning the project or person, just full, brute hardened force You take the abuse and don’t say a word. You suffer on the inside but don’t let it show. Whereas, Couch Ambition aims to create a lifestyle of relaxation that eliminates stress as much as possible, Desk Ambition aims to embrace a hardworking lifestyle and live through stress rather than try to actually get rid of it. You tolerate poor working conditions, like unfathomable hours and little vacation time and perhaps even hectic and distressing office environment. If the environment is uncomfortable, that is *your* problem, of which you don’t actually attempt to fix but just Endure the pain of. The rude behavior from your boss (or maybe even significant other at home) is something you just withstand, instead of taking a stand up for yourself. However, when you refuse to let things bother you, even if it really does, all you’re doing is establishing the fact that you have no self respect or dignity and value your job and career (or relationship) over your own personal welfare. The more you tolerate people’s abusive words and behavior, they more abusive words and behavior they will give you. As a procrastinator, you gotta be too lazy to deal with that, so you say how you feel and get them to stop. You have clear boundaries and make sure people know about them; you make sure no one pushes you where you don’t want to go. It is of course important not to freak out and yell or scream or cry or god forbid, get violent, but to just “pretend” you don’t feel a certain way and avoid emotion entirely is just as toxic and unwarranted as an emotional outburst. While Desk Ambition encourages you to be emotionless, and just endure pain without any sort of positive outlet, your emotional baggage is like your bladder. You have to let it out eventually. Hopefully, you can let it out in the bathroom rather than in your pants though. You can’t just hold it -- that’s deadly The Couch method is to Understand your emotions and express them in a positive way -- to have Emotional Control. Emotional Control is not to be confused with being emotionless; it’s the ability to be aware of your emotions without reacting to them and being able to express them in a mature, yet passionate way, without relying on emotional eruptions or frenzies. With Desk Ambition, you put up with pain, rather than say “enough is enough”. You don’t set limits for yourself and keep going, even if it’s physically, mentally, and/or emotionally unhealthy for you to do so due to the fear of looking weak. On the flip side, with Couch Ambition, you realize that every hero has a weakness and can still be awesome, even if you’re slightly less than perfect. You‘ve probably heard the phrase: “No Pain. No Gain” This is the mindset module in which that comes from. It’s the typical Meat Head “just lift bro” mantra that takes into account only results, GAINS and MUSCLE! It fails to factor in any sort of emotion, intellect, or being human, for that matter. So suck it up and deal with it. Deal with the fact that you’re a mindless meat bag, schelepping endless hours of grinding work and tolerating inhumane treatment from your boss. Be the perfect little slave you were meant to be. They might even let you eat extra scraps if you Endure enough whips. “If things get tough, then the tough get going.” Never look for an easy way out, even if it’s logically more viable and effective to do so. Tough it out -- don’t give up on things or people, even those that are clearly not helping you make any progress towards your goals. When there’s drama, just accept it. Don’t try to put a stop to it. As a matter of fact, Engage it and Escalate it. Show that you’re the toughest in drama. Throw insults, yell, fight, win. Endure it all: all the pain, all the drama and never do what you really want because that just means you’re weak. You can begin to see why this type of ambition is unhealthy and misguided. Sacrifice Put your own wellbeing on the line for the good of others. Sacrifice what you have, so that others can live the best life and you can live one of suffering. That supposedly gives some sort of meaning to your life, ya know, if you want to live one of servitude and obedience, but hey, if you’re going to live under the guidance of Desk ambition, then that’s what you’re aiming for. Donate your time, money, and resources to raise children. People have kids because that’s part of the “storybook of life”. You’re expected to sacrifice your own career, health, and finances to raise a child. The truth is: it’s a choice and there is no obligation. It is perhaps better to raise a child when you have plenty of resources to take care of yourself and aren’t struggling to feed extra mouths, but the Desk Ambition protocol would encourage you to just not eat so that your child can. Make big sacrifices. Another sacrifice you are seemingly obligated to meet: Put on a smile and sacrifice your own mental health for the happiness of the customer or your significant other. They say the customer is always right (which is bullshit) and you must sacrifice your own dignity to give even the rudest of customers the “right pass” -- just because. That customer is going to be mad no matter what you Sacrifice for them. There are some people who are just intolerable and they are *rewarded* for their intolerable behavior because people like you (if your Desk ambitious) insist on making sacrifice for them just to try and make them smile (which you won’t do anyway, more than likely). The rule of this module is to give more than you take, otherwise you’re just being greedy, they tell you. they’re trying to train you to bend to their will and be appreciative of the scraps they feed you after you keep bending ‘til you break. The Couch ambitious procrastinator takes as much, if not more, than s/he gives. S/he never sacrifices and doesn’t care how greedy that may sound. And s/he certainly doesn’t bend, yet alone break. When you sacrifice, you are at a loss. You have given more than you have taken in a sacrifice; the benefit you receive is not equal to the amount of resources (time, wealth, energy) you spent. There is, in fact, little or no benefit to a sacrifice. By the very definition, you are “giving up” what you have for someone else or some other cause. It’s not a trade or a negotiation or any sort of reciprocity. A slave master does not want a mutually beneficial relationship, a slave master just wants their slave to Sacrifice. It’'s a one sided relationship Procrastinators are free and seek mutually beneficial relationships, not ones of sacrifice. Give and take, not give and die. A procrastinator *does* give but only after reaching a place of abundance, when s/he has an excess of resources s/he is able to share. The hardworker, on the other hand, gives and gives and gives, without ever reaching a place of abundance (or anywhere near it). Sacrificing along the way to abundance is like cutting holes into a glass while trying to fill it to the top. It’s counterproductive and will make nothing but a mess all over the table. Certainly, your sacrifice will make *others* happy, but you’ll be left feeling taken advantage of and unfulfilled -- I suppose, the ultimate sacrifice. Sign up for the draft, pay child support and alimony, pay for dates, stop entering high paying fields so other, less qualified individuals, have a chance to join -- there are expectations in society, especially for men, to sacrifice for “the greater good”. Likewise, there’s an expectation for women to cook, clean, and take care of children. This greater good only works in the favor of an elite few. Work hard. Sacrifice hours. Consume. Sacrifice money. Then reproduce to create more slaves. This is the Desk Ambitious way. We then have phrases in society like: “Happy wife, happy life,” Can you believe that? if a man’s entire purpose of existence is to make Sacrifices for his “queen”, rather than have his own wants, desires, and needs fulfilled. If you want to Sacrifice your physical, mental, & emotional wellbeing as well as the wealth you have accumulated in order to make somebody slightly less mad at you, then go right ahead. But if you actually want freedom, then you’ll sacrifice someone else’s approval for your own dignity Kickoff
Just do it. Get started without any preparation. Don’t ask questions. Don’t do research. Just dive into it. NO. HOLDS. BARRED. Meet those deadlines, and take them seriously. Don’t slack or procrastinate. If it’s unfinished, launch it anyway. And don’t you dare try to be lazy and get other people to do it for you. Don’t Outsource . Be independent and do it yourself. Asking for help makes you weak and dependent on others. You must do it all yourself. Be a good little slave and do as much work as you can yourself. Do things the old fashioned way too because you know it works -- don’t try to innovate new methods of problem solving or design new systems. Just stick to what works and never break away from the traditional. You’re not here to Create, you’re here to Copy. You copy the formula or design that works and slap your name brand on it, just like Soulja Boy did with his own game system. He took a Chinese knock off emulator and put his name “Soulja” on it. He didn’t bother to research how the gaming industry actually works and that it is actually very, very illegal to sell a device pre-instlaled ROMs without proper permission from the publishers. He’s now facing a huge lawsuite by Nintendo. Soulja Boy says he doesn’t care and is just gonna Endure it, instead of admit that he was wrong. Kick off and launch your product or service without the surveys, feedback, and proper testing. Get it on the shelves as quickly as possible. Every modern day AAA gaming company does this; you should too. Quite frankly, a finished product is more important than hitting a deadline and this “Kickoff as soon as possible” mode of thinking is absolutely insane. Look what just happened with Fallout 76 (and many other games), rushed to the shelves in order to hit a deadline, but full of game breaking bugs and glitches. They’re more worried about “getting it out there” than “getting it good.” This leads to a shitty product, but hey, it does make sales. Just Kickoff with a helluva trailer and stuff it with promises you’ll never realistically fulfill. Disregard angry fan letters and just Kickoff some more DLC or an add-on that’ll improve what should have been fixed before launch day. Get your hands dirty, instead of putting on gloves or using tools. Just dig into it, without inspecting the ground first and examining toxic chemicals in your digsite. Go in raw! Precautions are for wussies! You have to take RISKS if you want to win. Oh and make sure you make as many Sacrifices as you can in doing so. Do it in the most elaborate way, without regard to strategy or caution or care. Make mistakes, as many as possible, so you can pay for them later, rather than avoid them in the first place. The procrastinator doesn’t follow this reckless behavior or mindset and doesn’t take unnecessary risks -- that doesn’t mean s/he is risk averse completely; it just means s/he is not a barbaric decision maker. The procrastinator is calm and Calculating and will wait to make sure things are “right" before trying to kick off anything, and s/he will Create better (and lazier) processes of solving problems rather than stick to the “true, tied, and tested.” Ultimately, it’s up to you to choose which type of Ambition you’d like to follow. Either way, you can obtain goals. ...But you have to realize that one leads you to be sub-servant and the other leads you to freedom. One is hard and the other quite easy. One has you obtain goals for others and the other has you obtain goals for yourself. I think it’s pretty obvious which one is Desk Ambition and which one is Couch Ambition. You've been trained to be at the D.E.S.K. your whole life, but now that you recognize it for what it is, you can instead be on the C.O.U.C.H. Look though, not everyone can be lazy, not everyone can follow COUCH ambition and be a PRO-crastinator. In a strong, well-functioning society, there does need to be *some* Desk Ambitious people -- some hardworkers.. But that’s something we’ll have to dive into...later. Human beings -- we are creatures of balance, habit, hedonism. We enjoy leisure. Besides dolphins and maybe one or two species of primates, humans are the only species that has sex for pleasure. Freud always argued that every decision a person makes is fueled and inspired by his/her subconscious desire to have sex, to procreate. I’d go even further and say: we are hedonistic by nature and seek on a primal level not only to have sex to procreate but also enjoy ourselves; we are a pleasure-seeking species by nature. It is the act of self-indulgence and the desire for comfort and feeling of satisfaction that is the motivation behind every decision we make. Why go for a new job that pays more? So that we have more freedom without time and resources. Why try to lose weight? So that it takes less effort to get up when we have to and less effort to well, actually breathe. Why go to school? To get into a field that we find satisfaction and enjoyment in learning about. Everything we choose to do is because of our hedonistic nature and our desire to make our lives easier. Laziness is the heart of hedonism; by being lazy, we are embracing a cozy, pleasurable, hedonistic lifestyle, and thus, laziness is a natural part of our genetic makeup. It goes against our very nature to do things that require exertion of effort and labor. Hard work is something we do only out of necessity, for survival in a worst case scenario, in the same way a coyote will chew off its own foot to escape a trap. A coyote is not likely to chew off its own foot “just because” -- it’s something it does only when absolutely necessary. Likewise, we work hard only when we feel it is absolutely necessary. Sure, we (as human beings) can and will work hard when push comes to shove, ya know, when it is absolutely necessary for survival, but it is not something we are inclined to do in our natural habitat, or in our daily routine. When we create a comfortable environment and inhabit one, we don’t go out of our way to seek struggle, conflict, or hard work. The way to escape the corporate trap is through laziness. Pay attention to what you find comfort in doing and find a way to monetize it. That’s the way of a true procrastinator. Build your own little island of peace and prosperity. It’s a common consensus that as human beings, we are more intellectually and emotionally evolved than other animals and species across the planet. Yet, it seems quite ironic that despite this notion of how evolved and advanced we are, the elites want to simplify our existence to the equivalent of a work horse or task monkey. They tell you that we are unique and special under the same breath they tell you to “get back to work:” If you are to evolve personally, and if we are to further evolve as a species, then we must accept the fact that “hard work” is primitive and a setback to our progression. It is the rich few that realize the value of laziness and they are trying to keep the luxuries and comforts all to themselves. Enough is enough. Stop going to work. Quit your job. Stop working for someone else. The next time someone criticizes you for being lazy, just say it’s in your nature as part of an evolved species. There are plenty of resources in the world and the workload can be redistributed to automation, making a life of luxury and leisure, a world of laziness completely possible. We just have to take the next evolutionary step as a species and share rather than compete in order to attain it. We don’t work hard (or want to) without an outside threatening force, a “trap” or enemy if you will. The corporate structure is the “trap” and the elite are the enemy. You are chewing your own foot to escape, if you work hard. But there’s a better way to get out, an easier way (and not to mention one way more efficient) From a survival perspective, out in the wilderness in the times of our ancestors, comfort meant safety. To feel comfort, meant that you were protected and you had plenty of resources. It meant you weren’t living in a struggle and constant fear of getting attacked or running out of food any time soon. It meant you had shelter to keep you warm and safe from the elements and would remain well-fed for a long time. Comfort is a desired feeling and it became pre-wired in our brains to seek it. Everything we do comes from our desire for comfort, and it is laziness that allows us to arrive there. Comfort, in ancestral times, meant certainty for survival. Again, if you were feeling comfortable, you no doubt had an abundance of food and resources, as well as a strong shelter to protect you. Thus, your goal, pre-wired in your brain, is to embrace your laziness and create comfort, not to work hard and create an ongoing chain of tasks. You are not a machine, but a human being. You a not a workhorse, but a lazy procrastinator. You don’t seek to live in struggle, suffering, and fear. No. Instead, you aim for prosperity, pleasure, and relaxation. These are fruits of comfort, fruits of laziness. To grow a harvest of comfort, you must plant seeds of laziness. But they’ve hypnotized you, the people in charge, the evil Lazy Master Minds. They’ve brainwashed you to believe otherwise. They want you to think that the benefits of “plenty" (luxury and leisure) are something that must be earned, something unnatural, something acquired through artificial labor, manual grind. They want you to accept without question that attaining a plethora of resources and living in luxury and leisure is some sort of “uphill battle” to obtain. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is they have collected these mass resources and pass it on from generation to generation. There is no amount of “hard work” that their greedy lazy spawn has ever done. Sure, there is some amount of work to be done, but definitely NOT 40+ hours a week of it for 40+ years of your life. The amount of work to achieve comfort should be minimal. You’re here to live (as a procrastinator), not exist (as a laborer). They further instill this belief upon you that “hard work is the way to success” (luxury & leisure) by saying that Laziness is an unnatural force that prevents you from embracing “natural” good work ethic. It’s a “sin”, evil, or otherwise terrible habit to have, they’ll tell you. Don’t believe them; all they’re doing is trying to satisfy their own craving for comfort and avoid doing any amount of work themselves. They’re lazy rich bastards controlling the productivity of society to benefit their own luxury and leisure, rather than allow the productivity to benefit everyone. They’ve put you in a situation where it is absolutely necessary to work hard, or at least have put you in a mental prison to think, believe, and act that way. They want you to believe that they hold you by the paycheck. They want you to feel like you are chained to their command and obligated to perform whatever they say, just to survive.
If you don’t go to work, you don’t get paid. If you don’t get paid, you can’t afford to pay bills. If you can’t afford to pay bills, you can’t eat, bathe, or put a roof over your head. Seems like a logical conclusion that going to work is necessary to survive. Except here’s the thing: it’s 2019. You don’t need a boss or place of employment to make money. You don’t need to be somebody’s else’s bitch to put food on the table. You don’t have to schlep to an office or work site for the majority of your life in order to retire and enjoy the fruits of comfort. Don’t let the illusionary prison keep you enslaved any longer. Escape to your Lazy Island! The Internet is a thing, and you can make money online. There’s plenty of opportunity from affiliate marketing to freelancing to software sales to blogging. There’s no reason to work a 9 to 5 job any more and there’s no reason to even get off your couch for that matter. No one owns you any more and hard work is an ancient practice of the past; it’s no longer necessary in our modern world. The Internet is your ticket to freedom. You can make enough money to pay for your necessities without any corporate owner holding a pay check over your head. You can escape the plantation and live your own lazy life. And you don’t even have to “work hard” to earn your keep. You can earn most of your money passively, and the “work” that requires some actual participation or activity can be intertwined with what you actually enjoy doing, like streaming the games you play or commenting about the films or TV series you watch, so it doesn’t actually feel like work anyway. You find a way to make money off your laziness, in other words, and do things on your own time when and if you feel like it. There’s no pressure. You’ll feel more natural doing it this way, the lazy way, as opposed to grinding for hours on end and rushing to meet deadlines and protocols that you never even set yourself. By working hard for someone else you are building someone else’s nest, someone else’s place of comfort. Don’t do that. Let them fend for themselves. You’ve got your own couch to lie in and aren’t gonna waste any time working to pluff someone else’s pillows. Image Source: Lazy Evolution on Rochester Spine & Sports Chiropractic Prison of Brain from Pinterest There’s a lot of bullshit propaganda out there saying “New Year. New Me” implying that you should jump into an immediate change to your lifestyle, decisions, and personality. Unfortunately, that’s just NOT how things work. You can’t just equip a different belief system and set of habits like you equip different armor in a video game. It takes time to nurture, develop, and grow and that time will likely take more than one single year at that. You’re no more new today than you were yesterday, or yesteryear, for that matter and you’re not going to change just because you tell yourself “New Year. New Me.” This idea of immediate lifestyle alterations and “change now” attitude” is nothing but stress-inducing and energy depleting. It’ll lead to burn out and disappointment if you follow it’s demanding protocol. Hence why most people who take these “New Year. New Me.” words to heart end up quitting their goals and not really changing much at all in 365 days or otherwise. See, you must accept who you are first before accepting any sort of change in yourself. Lay on back and enjoy the comfort on your own couch and in your own jammies. Be comfortable with you who are in the now and what you have in the present. The more you try to change yourself before accepting your (lazy) self, the more resistance you will experience in doing so and the more problems you will come across. It’s like trying to cook a certain recipe before you accept what ingredients you actually have (or don’t have) in your kitchen. be realistic -- it’s the lazy way. You’ll make it harder for yourself, and let’s face it, you want the easy way to do this. If you identify as what you should be in the future, you give no credit or appreciation toward who you are right now. And that gives you a sense of insecurity and lack of control. It’ll work you up and make you feel upset/worry. You must give yourself acceptance, including all your flaws, even laziness. Lean back and relax. If you can accept who you are and where you are, as well as what strengths/flaws you have “in the now”, if, so to speak, you can accept what type of ingredients you currently have in your kitchen, you can create a better, more fulfilling recipe than if you try to follow the recipe of a book when you’re not stocked to actually make it properly. Now speaking of acceptance of flaws, there’s this little phenomenon called the “Fat Acceptance Movement”, which aims to get fat people (mostly women it seems; you don’t see “Big Handsome Men” messages like you see “Big Beautiful Women” ones) to be seen as pretty gorgeous, and attractive. That’s all well and good; you should definitely feel comfortable in your own skin at whatever size you are. You should have the confidence and self respect necessary to be at ease, without regard to weight or measurements. But here’s the thing: at the end of the day, being fat is NOT healthy. It’s just not. It’s a matter of health if you decide to eat in excess, in the same vein it’s a matter of health if you decide to smoke cigarettes. Increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, respiratory problems -- the list goes on and on in the type of health problems being fat can cause. Unhealthiness is not beautiful. I know I probably just triggered a couple of my readers, but say it with me now: Unhealthiness is NOT beautiful. And that’s okay. True acceptance is being okay with that; it’s not wishing, hoping, waiting for, or trying to convince other people and society to approve of you and find you beautiful and amazing. It’s being at ease and indifferent when others do not approve of you or your lifestyle choices. It’s feeling so self assured in yourself that negative comments and hate messages don’t effect you. You yawn and remain unfazed. Imagine if smokers pushed for a campaign saying: “Black lungs are beautiful” Like uhhh, noo, they’re not. They’re not healthy. They’re not beautiful. They’re gross and disgusting. It doesn’t mean that an individual should feel insecure about who they are, it just means they are participating in unhealthy behavior. Black lungs are unhealthy and fat bellies are unhealthy too. It’s not an insult, it’s not a debate, it’s a fact. And true acceptance is knowing this and still feeling good about yourself; it’s not denying it or trying to change people’s minds about it. Not to mention, that’s a lot of hard work anyway. True acceptance is actually, well, accepting the way things are. It is absolutely not approval seeking. You’re not trying to change people’s attitudes or viewpoints by debating with them or yelling at them. That’s a rather vigorous way of handling the situation and not lazy at all. When we talk about true acceptance, it just means you’re okay with the given state of affairs and your current mental, emotional, and physical condition (and you’re also okay with people not feeling the same way.) You recognize the reality of the consequences of your behavior (eg. over-eating causes health problems and being too lazy causes career problems) and still feel good about yourself, and you don’t expect other people to lift your spirits up or convince you that you’re a worthy human being who is “equally as beautiful” as others. Look, some people are just better than you. Some people are also worse. Either way, you don’t compare yourself to others, if you’re really striving for any sort of “acceptance” in its true form. People have advantages and disadvantages; pretty and ugly parts; good and bad traits. Not everything about you is good. Not everything about you is decent. Not everything about you is beautiful and amazing. I don’t say that in a depressive or discouraging way. I say that in a loving, encouraging : “shut the fuck up and ACCEPT it” sort of way. Likewise, not everything about you is bad. Not everything about you is disgusting. Not everything about you is ugly and awful. So when I say to give yourself a bit of “Lazy Acceptance”, you must recognize that work ethic is trash, that you get distracted from important tasks easily, and you may even be a bit messy and fail to clean up after yourself. But that’s okay. Whatever. You enjoy your laziness and fully accept it and all of its (unhealthy) flaws. On the flip side, as a lazy person, you are also efficient with your time, in terms of minimizing effort and maximizing results and a natural leader because you get other people to do the work for you. That doesn’t mean you want people to find your laziness to be beautiful or amazing, as a matter of fact you’re too lazy to care about what other people think. You don’t need to rub it in people’s faces or force attraction, attention, and compliments from others. You are just fully okay with both the good and bad side of your laziness. You find comfort in your own laziness. You’re not wasting your energy bouncing around trying to excuse yourself or your behavior. You’re not wasting your breath trying to convince other people that your lazy decisions are acceptable. You’re just carefree and laid-back about the whole thing. There’s a difference between Acceptance and Approval. The “Fat is Beautiful” movement aims for the latter. They’re not just trying to encourage people to feel good about themselves for being fat (which is a good things) but also convince the general public to find them attractive and give them positive attention. So what? You’re lazy? You’re fat? You’re ugly? Why are you trying to get other people to approve of you? You haven’t truly accepted yourself if you need other people’s attention, approval, and compliments to make you feel “beautiful” about yourself. Wanting other people’s approval comes from a place of insecurity, not pride. You’re not Proud to be (fat, lazy, etc) if you need other people to encourage you for it, if you need people smiling and clapping for you. Lazy Acceptance goes beyond that. It goes beyond the need to get others’ rooting for laziness or putting procrastinators up on magazines as models. We don’t want that -- too much work and too much intensity. Ease it up. The Lazy Acceptance is a carefree and composed approach to raising awareness, not an agitated intolerant attack on society. Society can work hard and encourage others to do so, but we don’t care, and we’re not going to It is not the goal of the Lazy Acceptance Movement to achieve love, care, approval, or otherwise. No matter what you do, people aren’t going to like you and you (as a lazy procrastinator) can remained poised about that fact. The goal, rather, is simply to allow the individual to be lazy without feeling remorse for the consequences that follow such slothful behavior. It’s not trying to barter with a hardworking society that laziness should have no consequences or that laziness is a practical lifestyle (on the mass scale), but to raise awareness that being lazy is okay (if used correctly) and how to use it to your own advantage (on a small scale). It is waking up people to the truth. The “Acceptance” comes at an individual level and it is not the responsibility nor the burden of the whole of society to give Acceptance to the lazy man (or woman). Part of this is because not everyone can be lazy in a fully functional society. As a matter of fact, I am not ruling out “hard work” as a necessary practice but simply stating that some people are not motivated to do it, and it is not necessary for these people. See, there is a balance of roles in play. Lazy people create the machines and gather the crew, the hardworkers actually press the buttons and move the pedals to keep it all running. By running ads and campaigns and protests about how a certain flaw (like laziness or even fatness for that matter) should be accepted and approved in society (not just on an individual level) what you’re saying is this: “I don’t really love myself very much and I need other people to love me and approve of me and my lifestyle to feel halfway decent about myself.” That’s not the cool, clam, collected, and confident way. That’s not the lazy way. We’re not pushing for any sort of mass shift in social stigma or mindset. We’re not approval seeking. We’re just trying to lay back and relax, man, and encourage others to do the same, if the want to. Whether or not people like it is irrelevant and makes no difference. Honey Badger don’t care. Thumbs up or thumbs down, we’re lying on the couch, whatever people think. (And that’s the attitude fat people should take. “I’m gonna eat. Like it or not and I don’t care if you think I’m ugly. I realize it’s unhealthy, but it’s my choice” not” You MUST find me attractive! You bigotted ignorant person! Stop trying to force me into impossible beauty standards”) We don’t care about these “standards” in the first place, in terms of how they function, and we certainly are NOT trying to change them -- just live our own (lazy) lives. rds. (There’s actually a whole religion off this called “Dudeism", and I myself am a Dudeist priest) The Dude abides. He accepts his current state of affairs and lives fully and completely in the present, without regard or care for how he must change or who he must become in the future or how much approval he’ll gain. He wears sunglasses with pajamas and bathrobes and drinks White Russian, not the most fashionable or classy act for societal standards. He certainly does not aim for any drastic measures of change to become the New Dude. He's just the Dude, as simple as that. Apply this principle to your own life. Abide yourself and learn to just "be" without a care in the world with how things will play out in the distant future or who will approve of them. To paint another analogy, imagine playing Pokemon and picking your starter. Let’s say it was Charmander from the original R/B version (put aside the debate of which one to choose for now). Embracing the “New Year. New ME” attitude would be like expecting to getCharizard from the very beginning of the game after picking up the Pokeball from Professor Oak, then feeling disappointed when you realize you have only a tiny lizard that can barely scratch and make a spark instead of a fully grown flying, fire-bnreathing dragon. No, you have to play with the Pokemon you’re given, and ACCEPT the current level and evolution form you have currently have so that you can play the game accordingly. You can’t be focused completely on what level you want and the Charizard evolution form you want, you have to take it one battle at a time, one badget at a time, one level at a time. slowly and surely. Certainly you can look at the goal you have in mind, but to believe that you are already there is unreasonable and will probably want to make you put the game down when you see that you’re no where even close. You have to battle with your Charmander even though he’s not a Charizard right now. Yes, he can become one, but quitting the gameor feeling discouraged because he’s not is senseless. He’ll get there..eventually.
And you’ll get there eventually too at the level you want to be, but you have to first know and accept the current level you are at in order to upgrade and move forward. If you’re happy with where you’re currently at, the progress you’ve already made, the person you are that currently exist and not the one that will exist in the future, without any regard to what other people think or how you compare/compete with others, then every move you make feels just a bit closer , just a bit better --- you are consistently making progress and evolving. On the other hand, if you are NOT happy with where you’re currently at or who you are (despite any flaws), if you don’t ACCEPT these things at a fundamental level, then the disconnect between your current self and what you accomplished right now compared to the ideal identity and set of accomplishments you have in mind, will wear down on you, especially if you seeking the approval of others. The more you seek approval, the less confidence you’ll have and the more hard work and effort you will put into attaining your goals in the first place. Do it the easy way, Don’t regard yourself with societal standards or approval. Sit on back, relax, and enjoy being the same old (lazy) you. Unshared inner peace is stronger than outer acknowledgment shared among everyone. Take it easy and happy new year, N8 Image Source: Employee Waking Up by FreePik Young Celebration Man by FreePik Charmander Dreams by Enogrpaher on TeePublic |
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